Sunday, April 4, 2021
By: Paula T. Olson

Springtime comes to Lakewood Rotary  by Paula Olson

                When President Mark opened the meeting on Friday, he was stepping into a special period of time with flowers coming up and bees buzzing and starting with yesterday’s April Fool’s Day on April 1st. Next, Easter or Bunny Day on April 4th for some, Passover for others and Ramadan a bit later for more others. Maybe it was the excitement that caused our Prez and our Illustrious District Gov. Greg Horn to talk about staging a coup d'état and staying in office for two or three more years. And why he was not willing to relinquish control of the meeting to our top tech person, Leanna Christian who had to get stern with the Prez so she could get the controls to mute us, since we are so wild and crazy, we can’t mute ourselves. Nonetheless, the meeting started promptly at 12:30 pm.

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