Sunday, April 18, 2021
By: Gregory J. Rediske

A Different Sort of Meeting, Lawyer Style by Greg Rediske

I looked at my calendar: bulletin writing, April 16. Oh, no. Another meeting with a CPA running the show. A guy whose life is built around 2 + 2 equaling 4. Every. Dang. Time. But wait!!! Who is that in the Big Guy’s chair?!? Why, it’s Joe Quinn, lawyer! 2 + 2 might equal 4, or not, depending on what the judge might want to hear….Yes, a lawyer! The profession with more (scathing) jokes than any other profession (and with good reason, perhaps?). You know, the guys of whom it is said that 99% of them give the others a bad name. Lawyers, who are buried 600 feet in the ground, because deep down they’re really nice people. The age-old question:  If a lawyer is talking in the forest and there is no one around to hear him, can he still bill for it? And what’s the difference between a CPA and a lawyer? CPAs KNOW they’re boring. (Like the lady who is given 3 months to live, and the doctor advises her to immediately go out and marry a CPA. “But why?”, she understandably asks. The doctor replies, “Because 3 months will then seem like an eternity.”)

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