Sunday, October 3, 2021
By: Gregory J. Rediske
Leading Through Crisis, by Greg Rediske


Today, October 1, 2021, is World Vegetarian Day. No one cares, I suspect. But what does matter is that tomorrow is the end of Oktoberfest in Munich. Now that is sad. More U.S. Presidents were born in October than any other month. But why is October the 10th month of the year, when it originates from the Latin “octo”, referring to the number 8? Well, we’re glad you asked. Once the Roman calendar moved into the Gregorian model, the year actually lengthened. Which brings us right to me, Gregory the bulletin writer. (The preceding volume of factual stuff was inspired by the incomparable Donn Irwin, who insists on educating Lakewood Rotarians whether they want to be smart or not. So there, Donn…..and also, get your ticker ticking properly again, please.)

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