Arts, Entertainment and an Impossible Mission

By Monday, February 6, 2023
The other day I heard an olde Beatle’s tune - Hello Goodbye. Almost everyone knows this song and the tune that goes with it. Here are a few lines:
(Hello goodbye) I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello
(Hello goodbye hello goodbye) Hello hello
As I was wondering how to start out this missive with a different twist (so as to keep the readers’ interest) it came to me that in the Hawaiian language hello and goodbye are the same word. Our current President, Jason Whalen Esq. (PJW moving forward) is an avid promoter of things Hawaiian and so therefore and to wit I am proposing that Ole tune up his uke and do a rendition of Hello Goodbye in modified Hawaiian for the good of the order.
Ole, here is what the above might look like:
(Aloha aloha) I don’t know why you say aloha, I say aloha
(Aloha aloha aloha aloha aloha) Aloha aloha
Can’t wait to hear that one.

 PJW rang the bell, blew the conch and called the meeting to order as the clock struck 12:30PM. Yorleny Clapper gave a beautiful invocation and Clint Johnson led us in the Pledge.

1451 - Sultan Mehmed II, the Conqueror inherits the throne of the Ottoman Empire

James, Wynn and Rob set us up. John Lowney recorded/collected the money. Donnnnnn wrote this stuff and Walt Richardson took pictures. Greg R is pinch hitting for Ole as Editor and Eric Quinn will get this published for us. Our Sergeant-at-Arms was his former eminence Greg Horn……wait, that didn’t come out correctly… should be Esteemed Past District Governor….yeah, that’s it.

1743 - Philadelphia establishes a "pesthouse" to quarantine immigrants.

Then it got a little crazy. PJW introduced a special guest that was with us on Zoom, Wen Chen. She will be our speaker sometime in June. Wynn Hoffman introduced Tyler Parker; Mary Moss introduced Geoffrey Bullock – CEO of Harborstone CU. Leanna Albrecht introduced Brian Laubach.
Puffins were recognized.
No news from Health & Wellness

1783 Spain recognizes US independence.

Above: Jacob Cuthbertson, New Member 

PJW had the pleasure of introducing another new member – Jacob Cuthbertson. Jacob is the Marketing Manager for America’s Credit Union. Jacob spoke little about himself but did proclaim that he was anxious to be part of the club and wants to meet everyone. He made mention of his educational background and it had something to do with being a “Beav”. In the not too distance future, I’m sure that Jacob and Don Anderson will be chatting about colleges. Welcome to Lakewood Rotary, Jacob.

1834 Wake Forest University is established in North Carolina.

Steve Enquist was called upon to bestow Tony Camoroda with his 7th Paul Harris – thank you Tony!

Above: Tony Camoroda, Paul Harris Recipient

Leanna Albrecht came forward to introduce our Student of the Month from Steilacoom High School – Grace Rodgers. Grace thanked us for the recognition. Leanna also introduced Grace’s mother and Mike Miller, the Principal of Steilacoom HS.

Announcements/Fines oops – make that Generous Giving. Don Daniels encouraged us to keep selling the raffle tickets AND that we have covered the cost of the grand prize! Lakewood On Tap #2 is at Hops and Drops and happens Thursday Feb. 9th at 6:00PM. Anne Enquist let us know that Dinner and a Movie is back. Sunday July 23rd at the Lakewood AMC. Show starts at 3:50. The dinner part will be at the Country Club and is labeled “The All-American Cookout Buffet”. Vegetarian and Vegan options available (not sure how that works at a cookout but we will see). The movie will be the latest edition of the Mission Impossible movies starring Tom Cruise.

Save the date of March 24th for the Wine and Beer Festival and Auction. The event will be held at the McGavick center.

The District wants us to promote Rotary more; therefore, Lakewood and Clover Park Rotary Clubs are producing a video touting, you guessed it, all things Rotary.  The Bulletin Committee sent pictures to 5020 of LR Rotarians in Action.

There will be a ceremony for retiring Police Chief Mike Zaro on Monday at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. John Lowney admitted to being in Palm Springs but it wasn’t a vacation or so he says. Evidently, he was working on Rotary stuff – like getting $600.00 out of Phil Eng. He gave $100.00 to his Paul Harris for NOT being on vacation. Gary Fulton paid money for going to Hawaii and another hole in one (his 8th).

1870 US state of Iowa ratifies the 15th Amendment of the United States Constitution allowing suffrage for all races and colors.

Bill Potter let us know that the swings for the Fort Steilacoom swing repair project are built and that a work party is needed on 4/22. He also asked for a motion to spend $8000….no $3000…. or was it $5000 less…...anyway, a motion was given, seconded and the vote was all yea to approve funds to complete the Claudia Thomas Habitat for Humanity build in Tillicum. Motion passed.

1941 US Supreme Court upheld Federal Wage & Hour law, sets minimum wages & maximum hours.


Above: Our Speaker, David Fischer 

Clint Johnson introduced our speaker, David Fischer. David is a mover and a shaker in the regional arts as well as in the Pierce County community. He is the Executive Director of Tacoma Arts Live, formerly Broadway Center for the Performing Arts, and has been in that position since 2006. (Side bar – I first met David when he was in the process of putting Tacoma Little Theatre back on its feet as the ED there approximately a hundred years ago or so.)

David opened up his informative talk by claiming that one of his children’s science experiments had gone horribly wrong and that the balloon that has been flying over the United States is actually part of the experiment. He has been in touch with the leader of China and believes he has the problem all worked out. He then asked the collective audience what the “arts” meant to them. Responses ranged from music, theater and fine arts. Everyone has their own ideas about art. David pointed out that arts and religion have developed together and it is difficult to determine which came first.
Like virtually everything, Covid has changed the art world. Before the pandemic the arts were 4% of the nation’s GDP. Today ticket sales are down 35% except for “name brands”, i.e. Taylor Swift, Beyonce and the like. When you consider 4% of the GDP is down 35% that’s a lot of money. Today patrons are streaming. Pre-pandemic the largest audience was Baby Boomers – that has changed drastically.
David stated that the arts need to foster new relationships and find new ways to deliver their offerings. One such idea is to go to the audience rather than the audience coming to them. He mentioned a Utopian Garden idea which I translate as an arts and science interactive participation kind of thing.
Tacoma Arts Live is a State leader in arts education as they are working with virtually all of the School Districts in Pierce County – Gig Harbor being an exception – to bring arts to the students.
David closed by informing us that the arts are a hugely effective means of helping people with mental health problems.

Thank you, David, for your time and your dedication to the arts.
Now if we can just get him to join us mid-December to recite from his amazing memory and in that wonderful voice of his, “A Cup of Christmas Tea”.

1971 NYPD officer Frank Serpico is shot during a drug bust while his fellow officers stood outside and failed to call for assistance.

PJW rang the bell and a raffle ticket was drawn. Bob Z had the lucky ticket and a chance for $292. A red chip would win the big prize. Bob drew a white chip that got him $5.

2011 All available blocks of IPv4 internet addresses are officially distributed to regional authorities.
Ferdinand Magellan was born on this day in 1480. So was Horace Greeley (1811) and Norman Rockwell (1894).

Coming attractions:
      Upcoming LR (and other) events:
2/9/2023 Rotary on Tap at Hops and Drops
2/11/2023  Caring for Kids Auction 5 p.m. $45
2/25/2023 Lakewood Lions Crabfeed
3/24/2023 Wine Festival (sell those raffle tickets)
4/22/2023  Work Party at park
5/5/23 Ladies Night Out

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