Family Time with Lakewood Rotary

By Monday, July 24, 2023
Family Time with Lakewood Rotary
Gayle Selden

According to witnesses attending the July 21st meeting of the Rotary Club of Lakewood, there was a feeling of pure excitement as the clock neared 12:30. “We are family” by Sister Sledge started the meeting off. President Mary Horn rang a dinner bell to call the crowd to attention. This dinner bell was originally Mary’s mother’s bell used to call people to dinner and in family bunco games.

Tradition switched after the ringing and the pledge was led by Dwight Williams followed by Tom George with inspiration. Witnesses described the A’men, Shalom and Amen closing as a lovely sentiment.
 Official Presidential meeting notes highlight the workers who make the meeting possible. For July 21st that included Connie Coleman-Lacadie; Chuck Hellar, Rob Erb, Tom George, Terry Roarke, Rick Selden, James Osundwa and Wynn Hoffman. Bob Zawilski was the photog and Gayle Selden forgot that she was the bulletin writer and had quickly ducked out of the zoom to take a phone call. The notes of this meeting were recreated with the assistance of eyewitnesses.
Past District Governor Craig Gillis was in the audience as well as former district trainer Marni Obendorf. The club also welcomed guest Chris Kaufman, who it was reported is proposing themselves for membership.

The Health and Wellness reporter, Wendy McGowen, sent flowers to Catherine “Cat” Fredrickson as she is recovering from shoulder surgery.

President Horn then invited Debbie McVicker to the front of the room to be inducted. The room slowly reacted when the President asked for people to join in on the Four Way test. Debbie filled the club in on her story and member reactions included, “I had no idea she had so much going on!” This club reporter knows that Debbie is the local advocate for Stroll magazine. The most recent addition highlights the Bronkema family as well as a couple of pages spread about Lakewood Rotary’s Ladies Night Out. The membership is buzzing with excitement for Debbie to join. The puffin is currently traveling with Gael Whalen in Italy so handoff will be coming in a future meeting.

The meeting also had the Presidential Zucchini Presentation Ceremony of 2023. Past District Governor Gordy Quick delivered the first zucchini to President Horn. When asked what her plans were for said zucchini Mary stated that she has a zucchini bread in mind. Her secret ingredient is sour cream, same as for her brownies, which keeps these treats moist.

Other announcements included that next week’s meeting is at the Pavilion in the Park. It starts earlier with the meal (cooked by Dick Ferrell) being served at 11:30 and the meeting starting at noon and ending at 1ish. Please contact Dick by Tuesday if you are coming - .  Lunch cost will be $15. There will not be a zoom option for this meeting. Greg Horn is collecting funds for a bike for a young disabled local resident with cerebral palsy. Please see him if you’d like to contribute.

Tony Camorada gave the “best announcement of the day,” according to himself. He announced the RI President’s upcoming visit, and you can join the dinner on August 5th at the Murano Hotel. This event is a fundraiser for the Foundation and costs $120 to attend. Find it on the district website here: CREATING HOPE IN THE WORLD | Rotary International District 5020 ( .Rick Selden announced a Golf Tournament held by Clover Park Rotary on August 12th. It has been reported that Joe Quinn is playing but not on Rick’s Team. Is there a competition brewing between the two? A follow up story may be forth coming.

Please contact Mark Edgecomb ( if you’d like to attend the Rainiers game in the ACU suite on August 12th. The former Floating Board Meeting, now known as the Family Picnic starts at 4:00pm on Thursday August 3rd at Holly Hedge Lake Steilacoom). Good food, good drinks and good family fun – Rotary at its finest! Thanks to the courtesy of Dave Reames, Steve Madoff and Jason Whalen, we will be using the beautiful grounds at Holly Hedge again.  Skippers Greg Horn and Greg Rediske will be offering boat rides on Lake Steilacoom. We want to make sure we have kid's activities, so bring a fun game if you can.  A hand-cut steak by John Lowney is your entrée.  Adult beverages and soft drinks will be provided.  The cost is $20.00 per person ($10 for children under 18).You need to go to to sign up. Ron Irwin has promised to bring his party barge over for the festivities. If it’s warm,  plan on putting your feet in the lake. Ron also had said that there were some double announcements. He wasn’t sure why they occurred, but it really helped stick the information in his head.

President Mary had limited time to raise funds for the cookie jar. But she was successful in collecting $50 from Carole Wier, $200 from Charlie Hyde, $200 - Rick Selden, $20 - Jim Bisceglia, $20 - Greg Horn, $21 - Mary Horn plus $20, $20 - Rob Erb, $21 -  James Osundwa plus $20, $20 - Joe Quinn, and $20 from Barlow Buescher. Not a bad haul. Here are some of the reasons why said donations were made.

Rob Erb paid his fine to announce he was stood up by a woman the past week. Apparently, the woman was Mary Horn as they were to meet at the Pavilion. Rob had assured Mary he wouldn’t mention it but then he got a microphone and “I told on her,” Rob confessed. Will Mary forgive this indiscretion? Time will tell. Mary  paid up as well. James paid his fine in honor of a recognition received at a San Diego conference recently. The company was celebrated for diversity and selected out of countless other companies.  It was a huge deal and deserves a huge picture in this bulletin.

Dwight Williams introduced Susan Warner from Lakewold Gardens. Susan’s accomplishments and awards are too numerous to recount here but all were very impressed that the gardens are in the hands of such an extremely well qualified person. Susan discussed the many ways in which the gardens fulfils its mission: “Lakewold Gardens provides intentional encounters with the life-changing power of nature, fostering peace, creativity, and healing in our communities.” All year long Lakewold holds events including art events and musical artists, figure drawing classes, Poetry in the Gardens, exhibits, programs for children, in addition to having wonderful grounds to walk on. The gardens host festivals throughout the year including MayFest, Fairy Fest, All Hallows’ Eve, and Solstice Lights.

Witnesses described Susan’s presentation as one of the best power point presentations they have ever seen. Bob Martin and Greg Horn both cited animated videos and interactive music. This helped highlight Lakewold’s artistic turn. Mary Marlin was inspired to go to Lakewold after the meeting and take a stroll through the Gardens. Joe Quinn loved that the grant from the Murdock trust is going to support an Artist in Residence. Peter Marsh is excited about the classes and workshops that are being planned in the upcoming entrance building.

Lakewold is having an fundraising event July 30th called A Midsummer Day’s Dream. $250 per person/ $375 a couple. Charlie Hyde has seats to join at his table. You’ll enjoy the gardens and an abridged version of Midsummer Night’s Dream, wine and gourmet hors d’oeuvres. Anne Enquist said, “It was the best meeting I never attended.” Greg Rediske added that his neighbor just got a horse named Mayo. He loves going outside to hear Mayo neigh.

There was a raffle winner who ended up with a white chip and $5. This person shall remain nameless as it couldn’t be recalled by many members.

**The banner picture was from the recent Five Rotarians Run the Yard, this time it was Dave Swindale’s yard. And it was Seven Rotarians in all. They were Eric Quinn, Joe Quinn, Rick Selden,  Jacob Cuthbertson, Rachel Mazoff, Bill Potter, and John Lowney.  

A note—we enjoyed a botoxed Tom Cruise and his crazy stunts at Mission Impossible VI Dead Reckoning. Big takeaways from the movie include that transportation on a train or submarine is not recommended. Thanks to Anne and Steve Enquist for planning the party.


7/28 -   Picnic at the Park – no meeting at TCGC, no zoom regular meeting will be at Fort             Steilacoom Park at the Pavilion starting at 11:30 am – bring family, especially grandkids         for fun & games
7/30 -   90th birthday celebration for General. Harrison at TCGC, call 253-988-7654 for    reservations.
            August – Membership & New Club Development Month
8/3 -     Family Picnic starts at 4:00pm on Thursday August 3rd at Holly Hedge Lake         Steilacoom). Adult beverages and soft drinks will be provided.  The cost is $20.00 per person ($10 for children under 18). Sign up at  
8/5 –    Beer Stock at Ski Park Lake (also known as Pints for Polio) – see Greg Horn for details
8/5 –    Rotary International President – Gordon McInally – function at Murano Hotel in Tacoma             in the evening
8/9 -     Pierce County Rotary Clubs Rainiers BBQ and game – see Bill Potter/Mary Horn
8/12 -   Rainiers game for USO – 30 seats available, $10 each contact Mark Edgecomb at  
8/20 – 22 – Annual Reeder Roadster Romp
8/22 – Lakewood Rotary board meeting – TCGC – 5:30 p.m.
9/23 – Nourish – food pack. More details to come

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