We are Family!
By Joseph F. QuinnSunday, August 13, 2023
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President Mary Horn, stressing family values, asked young Richard Weiss—the son of Catherine Frederickson—to ring the dinner bell to start our Friday meeting on August 11th.
Bob Peterson did a nice invocation and our Program Speaker today, Charlene Miseli, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. Mary thanked the “tech guys” responsible for setup by name, and at our table we were thinking of alternate monikers instead of “tech guys.” One wag suggested “IT Nerds”, but I was loudly shouted down for political incorrectness! We should have a contest to name the setup crew something other than “setup crew” or “tech guys.” The ladies at the Lakeside Bar playing Mahjong might suggest the loud “Test, Test” guys.
James Guerrero staffed (not “manned”—see how politically correct I can be) the Paul Harris table and Jan Gee served as Sergeant at Arms and sold raffle tickets. Bob Zawilski took pictures and Joe Quinn is our scribe today.
Guests included soon-to-be-member Scott Baird, a retired Army Lt. Colonel. Greg Horn introduced “Mr. Water Rights”, also known as Kris Kaufman, who would in a few moments be inducted by Mary as our newest Lakewood Rotarian.
The Puffins stood and were recognized. Mary mentioned that new members are critical to the success of any Rotary Club, and repeated a comment she heard at District Conference in Victoria, to the effect that many new Rotarians have said, “They just needed to ask me.” No asking, no new member. Sometimes it really is that simple.
Mary also recognized those participating on Zoom, which showed Ralph Johnson, John Magnuson and Carole Wier. There may have been one more named Mark but it was not clear without a picture. Finally, Mary noted that certain dignitary personages graced us with their presence, such as District Governor-Elect Tony Camoroda, Assistant Governor Bill Potter, and some guy named Horn who was apparently District Governor when Mary was Chief of Staff a couple of years ago.
The Sunshine Report was given by Wendy McGowan. She said Dr. John Harbottle, who many of us know here at Tacoma Country and Golf Club, is in the hospital with a serious infection that started in his leg. Get well soon John. Wendy called on the eminent Past District Governor Greg Horn, who said he visited long-time LR member Dave Covey. Apparently, Dave’s Parkinson’s Disease is getting worse and he cannot stop moving; his brain and sense of humor, however, are still in fine fettle.
Tony Camoroda showed that DACdb is coordinating a donation effort to help those affected by the Maui Fire in Lahaina and elsewhere on that island this week. That is District 5000. The Maui Relief Fire Fund is an established 501(c)(3) organization so donations are tax deductible. This fire may even have affected their water source.
Tony also talked about membership growth in District 5020 and in our club. We ranked fourth in the entire district last year based on net membership growth. And I think we have added five more new members in the last two months.As of July 1, there are 1.16 million Rotarians in the world. So just keep asking. Maybe the person will come and check us out.
At this juncture, Kris Kaufman, accompanied by his sponsor, Yorleny Clapper, was brought forward for induction by President Mary. Kris explained that he has been “into water” since 1941. This Civil Engineer and UW grad grew up in North Seattle and his family still has an interest in that house some 70+ years later. Kris’ grandfather settled in Clallam County in 1883 (before statehood) and at a recent family reunion in the Elwha River area they had 80 relatives for a picnic. Kris has lived in Lakewood for 53 years and is very involved in appreciating the natural environment and especially the water resources of this area.
Announcements: Barlow Buescher announced that efforts have begun locally to help the victims of the recent mobile home fire in the Woodbrook area. There were two fatalities and nine homes were lost, with about four more damaged. It started as a brush fire. Scott Adams of West Pierce Fire and Rescue said that West Pierce Cares is helping out. They need moving trucks and/or pickup trucks to move furniture. All such help would be welcome. Donations too!
Yorleny Clapper announced a summer camp where kids can learn Spanish. Go to There is a graduation party to honor local Spanish students. Contact Yorleny for details. Their event is on August 17th at 4:00 p.m. at Park Lodge Elementary. While staring at Jim Sharp, Yorleny said Fire Chiefs and Police Chiefs are in big demand as the kids love to hear their words of wisdom. Jim said he’d be there. (I made that up to lay the guilt trip on him.)
Bill Potter announced that the Claudia Thomas house “wall raising” will be on August 26th and so Habitat for Humanity will be needing more volunteers for that. They have 18 spots left, but no, it is not “hell raising”….it is a wall raising. Bill may also have mentioned that there is a Nourish Food Packing Event on September 23rd.
Not sure if this was mentioned, but we think there is a DACdb training by Mary Horn on August 18—next Friday—starting at 11:00 a.m.
The Cookie Jar:
Mary said that Chris Kimball was not here to do birthdays and anniversaries, but she knew a thing or two worth mentioning: Catherine Frederickson and her husband Aaron have been married four years today. And Nicole Hancock and her husband Bryan have been married for 11 years. Congrats all around (but show me the money). Actually, Cat ponied up $100.
Wynn Hoffman said he had family visiting, including grandkids, and he had a birthday last week so he contributed an undisclosed amount. Bud Montgomery said he hit the big 80 this week, had two grandkids visiting all week and so is very tired, but he still managed to pull $100 out of his pocket. Don Daniels said he and Lisa are celebrating their 30th anniversary so he gave $50 to the cookie jar and $50 to the Rotary Foundation toward his next Paul Harris Award.
PDG Greg Horn introduced LR member Charlene Miseli, who was back visiting us from her new home in Texas. Charlene and her co-presenter Amy Tiemeyer, who is the Manager of the Pacific Northwest Region, talked about the Travis Manion Foundation. The organization works to foster Youth Development and serves military families, and especially the Fallen Warriors. Greg said Charlene is physically active (she’s a runner) and has been married to Jay for 27 years. As we recall, Jay is a colonel in the US Army. Their daughter Amy is a sophomore at West Point and their son is now an Army lieutenant. She was here at JBLM and Lakewood Rotary for six years and they are now stationed in Texas.
She introduced Amy Tiemeyer, who served at Fort Drum in New York State and other bases.
Charlene and Amy talked about all of the Travis Manion programs. They said character does matter. Their members teach kids, for example at the Boys and Girls Clubs. Their Operation Legacy Service Projects include activities such as beach cleanups. Theiir 9/11 Heroes run in Snohomish County is coming up and they plan a Shadow Run in the Dupont area here in Pierce County pretty soon. They talked about veterans, who often feel lost when they leave the service. 60% of separating veterans feel that way. The foundation tries to match up these veterans with kids who need attention. It is good for the vets and the kids. They said independent organizations measure the effectiveness of foundation programs.
They said 72,000 vets have been trained in their program and 500,000 young people have been impacted. They have 2400 veteran mentors now. The TM Foundation has 30 chapters nationwide with a large concentration on the East Coast. They really want to expand their Pacific Northwest programs. There have been summer camps in Washington and they gave much credit to Amazon for supporting those camps. To get involved, go to
A recent program at Lincoln High School emphasized kids who are experiencing homelessness yet stayed in school. Charlene and Amy stressed that this foundation loves to partner with other nonprofits such as the Spanish kids’ summer camps and the Habitat for Humanity, mentioned earlier today. It is so good for veterans who need a sense of purpose to get involved in those kinds of activities with kids.
In response to questions, they noted that some of their volunteers are military family members who have experienced suicide and other PTSD effects. This group also partners with the Wounded Warriors organization. Excellent program so thanks Charlene and Amy.
When the bell was being rung Bob Peterson insisted upon adding $62 to Mary’s cookie jar and said something about his 62nd anniversary we think.
The Drawing: New Member Heather Burgess had the winning ticket and won $5 with a white chip.
James Guerrero reported that the RI Foundation took in $150 today, but also consider giving through Rotary Direct (this online program makes giving to the Foundation a no brainer, which is good for us old codgers with no brains left).
Coming Events:
August 12, 2023 - Rainiers game for USO – 10 seats available, $10 each. Contact Mark Edgecomb.
August 15, 2023 - Dolly Parton to visit Washington. For information see
President Mary Horn, stressing family values, asked young Richard Weiss—the son of Catherine Frederickson—to ring the dinner bell to start our Friday meeting on August 11th.
Bob Peterson did a nice invocation and our Program Speaker today, Charlene Miseli, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. Mary thanked the “tech guys” responsible for setup by name, and at our table we were thinking of alternate monikers instead of “tech guys.” One wag suggested “IT Nerds”, but I was loudly shouted down for political incorrectness! We should have a contest to name the setup crew something other than “setup crew” or “tech guys.” The ladies at the Lakeside Bar playing Mahjong might suggest the loud “Test, Test” guys.
James Guerrero staffed (not “manned”—see how politically correct I can be) the Paul Harris table and Jan Gee served as Sergeant at Arms and sold raffle tickets. Bob Zawilski took pictures and Joe Quinn is our scribe today.
Guests included soon-to-be-member Scott Baird, a retired Army Lt. Colonel. Greg Horn introduced “Mr. Water Rights”, also known as Kris Kaufman, who would in a few moments be inducted by Mary as our newest Lakewood Rotarian.
The Puffins stood and were recognized. Mary mentioned that new members are critical to the success of any Rotary Club, and repeated a comment she heard at District Conference in Victoria, to the effect that many new Rotarians have said, “They just needed to ask me.” No asking, no new member. Sometimes it really is that simple.
Mary also recognized those participating on Zoom, which showed Ralph Johnson, John Magnuson and Carole Wier. There may have been one more named Mark but it was not clear without a picture. Finally, Mary noted that certain dignitary personages graced us with their presence, such as District Governor-Elect Tony Camoroda, Assistant Governor Bill Potter, and some guy named Horn who was apparently District Governor when Mary was Chief of Staff a couple of years ago.
The Sunshine Report was given by Wendy McGowan. She said Dr. John Harbottle, who many of us know here at Tacoma Country and Golf Club, is in the hospital with a serious infection that started in his leg. Get well soon John. Wendy called on the eminent Past District Governor Greg Horn, who said he visited long-time LR member Dave Covey. Apparently, Dave’s Parkinson’s Disease is getting worse and he cannot stop moving; his brain and sense of humor, however, are still in fine fettle.
Tony Camoroda showed that DACdb is coordinating a donation effort to help those affected by the Maui Fire in Lahaina and elsewhere on that island this week. That is District 5000. The Maui Relief Fire Fund is an established 501(c)(3) organization so donations are tax deductible. This fire may even have affected their water source.
Tony also talked about membership growth in District 5020 and in our club. We ranked fourth in the entire district last year based on net membership growth. And I think we have added five more new members in the last two months.As of July 1, there are 1.16 million Rotarians in the world. So just keep asking. Maybe the person will come and check us out.
At this juncture, Kris Kaufman, accompanied by his sponsor, Yorleny Clapper, was brought forward for induction by President Mary. Kris explained that he has been “into water” since 1941. This Civil Engineer and UW grad grew up in North Seattle and his family still has an interest in that house some 70+ years later. Kris’ grandfather settled in Clallam County in 1883 (before statehood) and at a recent family reunion in the Elwha River area they had 80 relatives for a picnic. Kris has lived in Lakewood for 53 years and is very involved in appreciating the natural environment and especially the water resources of this area.
Announcements: Barlow Buescher announced that efforts have begun locally to help the victims of the recent mobile home fire in the Woodbrook area. There were two fatalities and nine homes were lost, with about four more damaged. It started as a brush fire. Scott Adams of West Pierce Fire and Rescue said that West Pierce Cares is helping out. They need moving trucks and/or pickup trucks to move furniture. All such help would be welcome. Donations too!
Yorleny Clapper announced a summer camp where kids can learn Spanish. Go to There is a graduation party to honor local Spanish students. Contact Yorleny for details. Their event is on August 17th at 4:00 p.m. at Park Lodge Elementary. While staring at Jim Sharp, Yorleny said Fire Chiefs and Police Chiefs are in big demand as the kids love to hear their words of wisdom. Jim said he’d be there. (I made that up to lay the guilt trip on him.)
Bill Potter announced that the Claudia Thomas house “wall raising” will be on August 26th and so Habitat for Humanity will be needing more volunteers for that. They have 18 spots left, but no, it is not “hell raising”….it is a wall raising. Bill may also have mentioned that there is a Nourish Food Packing Event on September 23rd.
Not sure if this was mentioned, but we think there is a DACdb training by Mary Horn on August 18—next Friday—starting at 11:00 a.m.
The Cookie Jar:
Mary said that Chris Kimball was not here to do birthdays and anniversaries, but she knew a thing or two worth mentioning: Catherine Frederickson and her husband Aaron have been married four years today. And Nicole Hancock and her husband Bryan have been married for 11 years. Congrats all around (but show me the money). Actually, Cat ponied up $100.
Wynn Hoffman said he had family visiting, including grandkids, and he had a birthday last week so he contributed an undisclosed amount. Bud Montgomery said he hit the big 80 this week, had two grandkids visiting all week and so is very tired, but he still managed to pull $100 out of his pocket. Don Daniels said he and Lisa are celebrating their 30th anniversary so he gave $50 to the cookie jar and $50 to the Rotary Foundation toward his next Paul Harris Award.
PDG Greg Horn introduced LR member Charlene Miseli, who was back visiting us from her new home in Texas. Charlene and her co-presenter Amy Tiemeyer, who is the Manager of the Pacific Northwest Region, talked about the Travis Manion Foundation. The organization works to foster Youth Development and serves military families, and especially the Fallen Warriors. Greg said Charlene is physically active (she’s a runner) and has been married to Jay for 27 years. As we recall, Jay is a colonel in the US Army. Their daughter Amy is a sophomore at West Point and their son is now an Army lieutenant. She was here at JBLM and Lakewood Rotary for six years and they are now stationed in Texas.
She introduced Amy Tiemeyer, who served at Fort Drum in New York State and other bases.
Charlene and Amy talked about all of the Travis Manion programs. They said character does matter. Their members teach kids, for example at the Boys and Girls Clubs. Their Operation Legacy Service Projects include activities such as beach cleanups. Theiir 9/11 Heroes run in Snohomish County is coming up and they plan a Shadow Run in the Dupont area here in Pierce County pretty soon. They talked about veterans, who often feel lost when they leave the service. 60% of separating veterans feel that way. The foundation tries to match up these veterans with kids who need attention. It is good for the vets and the kids. They said independent organizations measure the effectiveness of foundation programs.
They said 72,000 vets have been trained in their program and 500,000 young people have been impacted. They have 2400 veteran mentors now. The TM Foundation has 30 chapters nationwide with a large concentration on the East Coast. They really want to expand their Pacific Northwest programs. There have been summer camps in Washington and they gave much credit to Amazon for supporting those camps. To get involved, go to
A recent program at Lincoln High School emphasized kids who are experiencing homelessness yet stayed in school. Charlene and Amy stressed that this foundation loves to partner with other nonprofits such as the Spanish kids’ summer camps and the Habitat for Humanity, mentioned earlier today. It is so good for veterans who need a sense of purpose to get involved in those kinds of activities with kids.
In response to questions, they noted that some of their volunteers are military family members who have experienced suicide and other PTSD effects. This group also partners with the Wounded Warriors organization. Excellent program so thanks Charlene and Amy.
When the bell was being rung Bob Peterson insisted upon adding $62 to Mary’s cookie jar and said something about his 62nd anniversary we think.
The Drawing: New Member Heather Burgess had the winning ticket and won $5 with a white chip.
James Guerrero reported that the RI Foundation took in $150 today, but also consider giving through Rotary Direct (this online program makes giving to the Foundation a no brainer, which is good for us old codgers with no brains left).
Coming Events:
August 12, 2023 - Rainiers game for USO – 10 seats available, $10 each. Contact Mark Edgecomb.
August 15, 2023 - Dolly Parton to visit Washington. For information see