Lakewood Rotary Connects with India

By Sunday, August 27, 2023
Lakewood Rotary Connects with India
Gayle Selden
The August 26th meeting of the Rotary Club of Lakewood was brought to order by the clang, clang, clanging of the bells rung by both President Mary Horn and preschooler Jabari Osundwa. Jabari’s father, James, led the invocation and Carl Bronkema led the pledge.
President Mary thanked the workers at the front desk-Connie Coleman-Lacadie, Mark Edgecomb and someone this bulletin writer missed. Set up crew was motely as usual. Thanks Terry, Rob, Rick, James and Tom. Phil Eng took the photos you are pursuing right now and Gayle Selden took notes for this bulletin while fighting flying lettuce from her seat mate Mark Edgecomb.
 Visitors to the meeting included Sally Saunders, guest of many Rotarians but introduced by Anne Enquist. Bob Zawilski, the most intimidating man in Lakewood Rotary, brought Andrew Boitano from the Humane Society. Both Andrew and Sally are on the docket for membership. Jabari Osundwa was also a guest of father James, he is getting ready for preschool. Amelia Babazada, our Norwegian Exchange student was also present.
In her first two weeks in the US Amelia tried the high school sports of Cross Country, Volleyball and Soccer. She is currently residing with Tracey and Patrick Johnston. She has seen the Barbie movie, attended a Rainiers and Mariner game and took a tour of the Seattle Chocolate factory. Next weekend she is hitting Seattle and NW Trek. She is heading to Seabeck the weekend of September 9th. Remember it is up to Lakewood Rotary members to help enhance Amelia’s stay here. Her cell is 253-951-4410 and host mom Tracey’s number is 253-241-4142. In Norway, Amelia is from a single parent household with no siblings. Amelia’s mom job is helping take care of the elderly. This means Amelia is very comfortable with all adult company. A simple dinner at your home is a great way to get to know her. Amelia likes spicey foods and prefers junk food although her face is very funny when she attempts to eat celery.
President Mother Mary recognized the Puffins in attendance and Zoomer Carole Wier. She also gave props to all our Rotary “dignitaries” PDG Gordy Quick, PDG Greg Horn, DGE Tony Camoroda and AG Bill Potter.
Greg Rediske reported that Dave Covey will be moving to hospice care at his daughter’s house. By mid-September they be up for visitors. There will be a card to sign for Dave next week.
Scott Baird was inducted as a new member by President Horn. Scott was sponsored by both Andy Phillips and Terry Roarke. Ohio born Scott made a career in the military. He served in the medical service core. After retirement he’s been looking for some way to give back to the community. His tennis buddies Terry and Andy knew exactly what he needed. Scott is married to Jessie with four children and two grandchildren. His children live nearby, and it made settling in Lakewood easier.
Nourish Food Packing event will be held Sept 23rd at the old Mattress Ranch. Come and make nutritious meals. Sign up will be available soon.
Steve Enquist presented Troy Wilcox with his 5th Paul Harris. Troy is a direct depositor to the Foundation. You too can sign up under My Rotary on (Rotary International’s site). Steve also encouraged us to get our “Every Rotarian Every Year” where every member at minimum donates $100 to the foundation. Last year we had about 80% participation and Mother Mary expects better of us this year.
President Mother Mary Horn opened it up for donations to the cookie jar. Gary Fulton started it off by celebrating donating 28 gallons of blood. That works out to 224 visits to the blood bank and a lot of people with curly hair and a bad golf swing. Gary is also celebrating 59 years of marriage with $100 check. Terry Roarke celebrated 86 years of life with $86. James Osundwa paid $10 for playing golf in a tournament celebrating the airmen with Jim Rooks and the Bronkemas. Jim, Veronica and Carl each added $20. Connie Coleman-Lacadie had eight bad weather days in Maine for her husband’s 60th high school and family reunion. Dwight Williams paid for his 44th wedding anniversary and rounded it up to $65 in honor of the Reader Roadster Romp master Phil Eng. Don Anderson paid $49 in honor of 49 years of dating (and 44 years of Marriage) to the same person I assume and a little trip to the US Amateur.
Roadster Rompers Jan Gee and Paula Olson presented the President with a mug from the McMinnville Air and Space Museum. Queen Mary said thank you, posed for a picture, and fined all 38 Rompers anyway. Greenleafs were flying out of rompers hands to Mark Edgecomb.
Bob Zawilski had been reluctant to boast about his anniversary as last week Cat gave $100 for four years. Bob also wanted to avoid just paying “for the good years.” Bob did some creative math and ended up with a check for $212.
It took two members of the finance council three times to count the cookie jar funds and we finally arrived at $738.
One more reminder to donate to the Caring for Kids fund for the families affected in Lakewood Mobile home park fire. Check is going out next week and is around $700 and could use some more.  Checks can be made out to Caring for Kids.
The presentation was by our own Rose Stevens and Tom George. We learned about a couple projects in India that we have done with Rotary Global Grants. Tom started by talking about how Rose recruited him from Tacoma Sunset Rotary while he was President. He was a little scared to come because he thought Bob Zawilski was so dignified! But after some convincing and time he saw how much he could do for the world here at Lakewood Rotary.
 A map of India was presented at the start and Tom showed areas where he and his wife originated. The Kidney Dialysis project was in Kottayam in Kerla, India (Tom’s wife’s birthplace). With a global grant project, we were able to provide two dialysis machines to the Mercy Hospital and two to Sacred Heart (30 miles away from Mercy). It costs 16,000 rupees per month for dialysis treatment ($194). The average rickshaw driver makes 20,000 rupees per month ($242). The hospitals provide 20% of the services for free. The other 80% help pay for the doctors, nurses, maintenance and replacement.
Tom toured the facility and showed us pictures of the project that is helping to save many. Rotary logos are on all the machines and as a sign in the lobby. He also said that Mercy was able to install a water filtration system with the funds as well.
Breast Cancer prevention was the focus of the other medical project. We provided a mammography machine. This was the first mammography machine in the hospital. They ended up building a room and a clinic around the machine. There have been some difficulties getting women to utilize the machine as having cancer has a misappropriated cultural stigma and can have repercussions on women’s daughters (as they become unmarriable if cancer is in the gene pool). There is a lot of outreach to the villages going about how this is just prevented health care for women. They use the phrase Stand with Her instead of using mammography as a focus. Additional education will help these women get the preventative health care that is expected in our country.
Rose provided this financial breakdown of each project after the meeting:
Dialysis Machines Total Cost $44,020
Lakewood Rotary            $ 4,508
District 5020 (USA)          $ 4,508
Kottayam North Rotary     $ 8,520
District 3211 (India)          $11,000
Rotary Foundations           $15,500
Stand by Her (Digital Mammography Machine)        Total Cost $129,053
Lakewood Rotary      $6,756
District 5020 (USA)    $6,756
Kottayam Rotary         $35,757
District 3211 (India)    $37,271
Rotary Foundation       $42,513
That shows your Foundation donations really work at making a difference in the world. Tony Camoroda shared that in the last 5 years the Rotary Foundation has impacted 100 million people. Tom George said before he was a Rotarian he just thought Rotary made park benches. He used the phrase its “ordinary people doing extraordinary things.” And what extraordinary things the World Community Service committee has done in India. More work is to come!
There was a drawing and Dave Swindale ended up with $5.
Upcoming Events:
Puffins Social - Let Mark Blanchard know if you prefer September 12 or 13.
September 14 - Rotary on Tap at Adriatic Grill
September 23 – Nourish Food Packing Event. More information to come

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