Rocking'[the Mic Like a Vandal. . .

By Sunday, October 22, 2023
Rockin’ the Mic Like a Vandal…
Steve Saalfield
When you’re the bulletin writer, you learn to “take care of business” before the meeting begins. So being a wise peddler of bull, I headed for the bathroom at 12:24pm to heed nature’s call. So imagine my surprise as I was about to open the bathroom door and heard President Mary (with the enthusiastic help of Kat’s son) ringing the dinner bell FIVE MINUTES EARLY. I told nature to “hold, please” and hightailed it back to the meeting. I’ll let our faithful Lakewood Rotarian readers decide if “working under pressure” was a wise decision on my part. And for those who were there, now you know why I kept my legs crossed for most of the meeting.
 October 20th is National Suspenders Day. I don’t own any suspenders—what a let down.
Tom George got our meeting started with the invocation which referenced the 4-Way Test—a nice two-for one by Tom.
Shout-outs were offered (but fortunately using “inside voices”) for the following folks who made today’s meeting possible: 
Paul Harris Desk: Joel Vranna, Linda Disney
Sgt at Arms/Visiting Rotarians/$2 table: Chuck Hellar
Setup Crew: Wynn Hoffman, Terry Roarke, Rick Selden, James Osundwa, Tom George, Rob Erb
A number of puffed-up Puffins were in attendance but they sat down before I got a good look at them, so take my word for it that they were a regal bunch bound to bear the torch for Rotary with dignity.
Rob introduced Dan Gibbon visiting our club today.
Our meeting was elevated by the presence of several Rotary dignitaries: DG Caleb Summerfelt (our speaker today), Chief of Staff Robin Summerfelt, PDG Greg Horn. DGN Tony Camoroda and AG Bill Potter.
Sunshine report: Wendy let us know that Rick Selden spent some time visiting Tom Sadler who is doing well.
Gayle Selden introduced Amelia, our Rotary exchange student from Norway who is particularly interested in joining your family for your next Costco run—but also other important American cultural experiences that don’t involve 50-gallon vats of mayonnaise.
Did you celebrate The International Day of the Air Traffic Controller on Friday? You’ll be happy to know most air traffic controllers didn’t either and reported to work, which was good news for those flying.
Rotary Moment: Folks may recall local student Marisa Terry who our club helped secure a scholarship from the District that helped fund her schooling in Belfast, Ireland. Marisa, and her father Mark, joined our meeting so she could share that she successfully completed her Master’s Degree at Queen’s University Belfast in Ireland. Marisa had a great time, learned a lot and only had some minor setbacks (no water or electricity in her university housing for a month kept things interesting). She’s on the job hunt now.
President Mary was doing a little poking around on Charity Navigator (a nonprofit that rates national charities on things like their impact, fiscal responsibility at transparency). She learned that Rotary has perfect 100% rating compared to a 97% rating for Kiwanis. While that would lead you to believe that Rotarians should win all head-to-head competitions with Kiwanis, the Steilacoom Club is currently leading our Mary Bridge purple Carts for Kids competition 33 to our 20. This writer made an impassioned plea (Luke Skywalker was referenced and I may have likened Kiwanis to a “curious marsupial cross of a koala and a kiwi fruit.” I’m not proud of it, but you’d be amazed what I’ll say to win a competition.) to fellow Rotarians to spread the word to folks in the Waste Connections service area to get a cart and says that “Lakewood Rotary” sent them.
President Mary’s honor hangs in the balance so my plea included a reminder that Lakewood has 60,000+ residents to less than 4000 in Steilacoom, so we have a distinct advantage and chance to make a big push in the final 11 days of competition. Rotarians are encouraged to spread the word and share the link: Carts for Kids - MultiCare Foundations  Our President’s honor thanks you.
Today is also National Chicken and Waffles Day. While I’m a fan of both chicken and waffles, I have yet to find the combination appealing. In my experience, once the chicken pecks the waffle a few times, I kind of lose my appetite.
Jan Gee asked the club to approve a $2,000 grant for the Toys for Kids program that provides funds to shop for needy families at Mary Bridge Children’s with medically fragile children. Motion was approved by all.
Speaker: Speaking of Bill Potter, he introduced District Governor Caleb Summerfelt whose presentation theme was “Can One Person Make a Difference?” I usually hate spoilers, but if you’re short on time and gotta run—the answer is YES.
Highlights of Caleb’s talk:
-He was always warned to avoid the DG’s presentation when he started out in Rotary. Suffice it to say that Caleb had a really entertaining presentation that included a bevy of videos from famous folks including Magic Johnson, Vanilla Ice, and Jerry Springer to name a few.

Author’s Note: I still hold a bit of a grudge against Vanilla Ice who was supposed to open for MC Hammer at a concert I attended back in high school. He cancelled at the last minute as he decided “Hammer should be opening for me.” I found his message today more inspiring than his no-show back in the early 90’s. While I can’t say he “flowed like a harpoon,” he did still look like a guy who could blow when he’s rolling in his 50s. 
Will he ever stop? I don’t know.
-Caleb has a hidden disability with his vision that made for a few unfortunate run-ins with inanimate objects. When the issue was finally diagnosed, he met Mariner Hall of Famer, Edgar Martinez doing therapy for the same condition.
-French Stewart on the power of words to hurt or empower: “Let words be your superpower…be positive human weather.”
-Jerry Springer: “Live your life such that you don’t end up on my show.” (Perhaps the best advice of the day)
-Though Caleb had a long interest in Rotary well before he was a member, he kept meeting folks who discouraged him from learning more or joining. It took a charismatic Jack Russell Terrier (channeling the spirit of Paul Harris?) to lead him to his first meeting in Europe.
-A reminder that as Rotarians we are walking billboards for Rotary—for better or worse (Let’s try better!)
-Finally, he reminded us that the Rotary District 5020 meeting is taking place in May 2024 at the Semiahmoo resort in Blaine, WA.
Friday was also Office Chocolate Day—like an idiot I was working from home that day lamenting the lack of chocolate in our house. Thankfully the cookies at our Rotary meeting saved my Friday.
Dwight Williams was the winner of the raffle and the loser of all money except $5.00. Better luck next time, Dwight!
LATE BREAKING NEWS: A Saturday report from John and Pam Lowney dealing with a hurricane in Cabo: “Made it thru the night fine. 3” rain and 75mph winds. Another 12” forecast with 110 mph winds and large ocean surges. We have been instructed to stay in our unit all day. Our unit is flooded. The ceiling leak has expanded so I have up on the buckets and water is blowing in under the doors. It looks like a day or two more of the same. We love an adventure!! Oh, but don’t forget we have a wonderful orange and tortilla breakfast in the fridge. LOL.” Stay well, dear friends, and Prez Mary’s cookie jar is waiting for your expression of gratitude on your safe return.
Upcoming Events:
Oct 20th:  Harkness Furniture Tacoma South Rotary Putt Putt Golf event at 5pm
Oct 23rd:  Claudia Thomas townhomes needs snacks and lunch for 12 college students. Contact Bill Potter or Ellie Wilson
Oct 24th:  Lakewood Rotary board meeting with a 5pm social, 5:30pm meeting live and on Zoom on the regular link. Puffins are welcome.
Oct 31st: Trunk or Treat—Contact Jan Gee if you’d like to volunteer
Nov 5th:  WoodStick at Clover Park High School supporting Coffee Oasis this year. 5-6 volunteers needed. Contact Chris Kimball
Nov 11th:  Nourish of Pierce County fund raiser (Bill Potter has some details if you’d like to know more)

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