Dynamic Lakewood Rotary!

By Sunday, February 2, 2025
Dynamic Lakewood Rotary!
Joe Quinn

This was an unusually busy meeting at the Rotary Club of Lakewood on the last day of January 2025.  Was it the famous pot roast lunch at Tacoma Country and Golf Club?  Was it because President Carl Bronkema was suddenly called out of town, causing President-Elect Tom George to be dragged out of the dugout to pinch hit?  We had more guests and visiting Rotarians than you could shake a stick at, and so this poor scribe could not keep up with all the names and goings on. It was fast and furious.
 PE Tom George—or really his grandson—rang the bell loudly to start us off right on time.  Once we got through all of the short jokes and cleared the podium of the big trophy so we could see Tom’s face, the meeting got going with the Thought for the Day by Mark Edgecomb.  Joe Quinn led us in the Pledge to our Flag.

Zoomers today included at least Bud Montgomery, Carole Wier, John Magnuson, Rachel Mazoff and Ralph Johnson, our longest-tenured Lakewood Rotarian.  The Setup Committee was recognized and then the bedlam of Guests and Visiting Rotarians (all rolled into one) began in earnest.  I apologize for butchering—or completely missing—names but here goes: Ben S. of one of the three Gig Harbor Rotary clubs introduced Carmelita, who I think he said was a Rotarian in the Philippines, but she was speechless so we got no explanation.  Visiting Rotarian Chris Serface, the current President of Tacoma 8 (aka our farm team) and I believe also President of Tacoma Little Theater, was with us today.  Also from Tacoma 8, Doug Edger (spelling?) introduced a prospective member, who is with Banner Bank, and whose name I totally missed.

The onslaught continued, with Suzanne Johnson of Puyallup-South Hill Rotary introducing two new members of their club.  She introduced Janine, a financial officer at Good Samaritan Hospital and also Corey Munson, a CPA.   Suzanne said that they like to bring new members to other clubs in the area (probably to show them how great a Rotary meeting can be). 

Bill Wiggins introduced Elijah, the Next Step student from Clover Park HS that he and his wife Becky are working with in our mentoring program.  Elijah told us he is Filipino, that he wants to be a biomedical engineer, and that he loves fostering “culture” at the high school.   West Pierce Fire Chief Jim Sharp introduced Assistant Chief Ryan McGrady, adding that Ryan might need an application to join Lakewood Rotary.  Linda Disney immediately pledged to email him one!

Terry Roarke introduced his friend and UW classmate Don Hansen, who Terry noted is a Past President of Tacoma 8.  Terry claimed that Don just retired at the age of 88. 

Patrick Smith, Lakewood Rotarian and Lakewood Police Chief, introduced three of his Captains in the police force:  CPT Pete Johnson for patrol, CPT Jeremy Prater for Professional Standards, and CPT Andrew Gildehaus for investigations and major cases.

President Tom (going slightly out of order on the usual agenda) noted that the Paul Harris desk was staffed today by Debbie McVicker and that Linda Disney was on the raffle table and acting as Sergeant at Arms.   The Photographer today was Bob Zawilski and the Scribe is the beleaguered Joe Quinn.  All three of our LR dignitaries were with us today but we are omitting their names as they get way too much publicity. 

Wendy McGowan was called upon to give the Sunshine Report.  She said Gayle Selden has told her that long-time member Bill Price is at St. Clare Hospital in an “end of life” situation, as Gayle put it.  Prayers for Bill and his wife Pat Price. 

Next, Past President Mary Horn came forward and asked all Puffins present to come forward for a presentation.   Mary asked Chief Smith and his three captains to step up and receive a nice Lakewood Rotary check.  At the roast of President Carl Bronkema in December, the Puffins raised over $3,000 and decided to give the money to the Lakewood Police charitable programs.  CPT Jeremy Prather explained that the department’s officers’ foundation has two parts:  the Fallen Officers Fund and the Make a Difference Fund.  Shop with an Officer is a major event.  In the last ten years, they have given away more than $150,000.  At that juncture, Mary presented the Lakewood Police with a nice check in the amount of $3,055.00 from the proceeds of the fines at the Roast in December. 

Speaking of money, then President Pro Tempore Tom called for volunteers and got some.  Becky Wiggins ratted on her husband Bill who just turned 70.  Bill said there was a trip to Cabo to remember too so he gave $70.  Kris Kaufman said he had an interesting month with some health adventures,  and turning 83, he decided to throw in $100.  Bob Martin and his wife Sue are happy and proud to have two molecular biologists in the family who are both working overseas right now so he gave $50 in their honor.  Rob Erb said he was ratting on a certain future LR President, who left his Rotary badge on the table, so Tom George sheepishly donated $100. Tom did mention that LR may actually have an outbound student this year for Youth Exchange; it has been quite some time since we sent a student out, although of course we have regularly hosted inbound students from various countries. 

Program:  Anne Enquist, Program Chair, introduced our program speakers for the day.  But first Anne thanked both West Pierce Fire and Rescue and St. Clare Hospital for the excellent treatment after she recently fell and fractured her leg and her heel.  Anne introduced the leadership team, which includes Mimi Johnson, an RN, Dr. Kim Moore, MD, who is the Chief Medical Officer at both St. Clare and St. Joseph’s Hospital in Tacoma, and last but not least the President, Matt Metsker, who worked as a clinician for 17 years as a Physician’s Assistant.

Mr. Metsker said that St. Clare is licensed for 106 beds, but of course accommodated more patients during Covid.   The hospital has room for 25 in the ER and has 5 operating rooms and a complete gastrointestinal suite.  St. Clare has two CT scanners and one (old) MRI.  They admit about 20 patients per day, but also see about 100 in the ER every day on average.  Their clinics provide outpatient services to about 150 patients daily.

Recently, St. Clare has won many awards within the 10-hospital group made up of Virginia Mason and Franciscan hospitals in this region.  For instance, they won best teaching hospital. Recently, the hospital was recognized for decreasing the appropriate length of stay by 24 hours, a full day less in the hospital.  They have recently increased their capacity to do endoscopes, so now they can perform endoscopies and colonoscopies five days a week.  What fun! The team is very proud of the robotic orthopedic surgeries they do often at the hospital. 

Mr. Metsker spent some time discussing the future needs and prospects of the hospital; he delved into the details of the upcoming remodel of the Sterile Procedures area.  They will have a temporary structure to sterilize all instruments and necessary equipment during the remodel, at a cost of over $400,000!

Mr. Metsker then called up Mimi and Kim to help him answer questions from the Rotarians who promptly sent up numerous softballs for the leadership team to answer.  ‘

Thanks to Anne Enquist for a most informative program.

The Drawing:  Even the raffle was exciting at this meeting.  Ron Irwin pulled out the red chip, ignoring the rude Rotarians yelling “White”, so he won a lot more than $5 (but the actual number will be disclosed later—at least $250).

Upcoming Events:

Thursday, February 13th at 5:30 pm Rotary on Tap at Lakewood Elks Lodge.

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