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By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, February 23, 2025
Just a suggestion for when the Little Pantries lose their cachet, and the Little Lending Libraries get demolished by the over-zealous Tenzler hating crowd.

What Did You do in Springtime as a Kid?
I just love spring. Oh, I know it is tempting to slip into trite overtures to rebirth, crocuses, and longer days. But they’re all so true. A lilac’s scent in the neighbor’s yard. That first blush native pink Rhody. An embarrassment of birds teaching their chicks to fly. Honestly, it is all good.

As a kid, a spring day brought the little blue Schwinn out of the garage, pump air into the tires and up the street to Mill’s house. PB&J sandwich in the jacket pocket from a Mom and off we’d go to the waterfront. If the tide was in, our attention turned to the RR tracks and the placement of a penny to be flattened – a good luck charm treasure for the pocket. If tide out, there were miles of sand and rocky beach explorations. Empty clam shells flung like an early version Frisbee, logs and driftwood piled up to make a fort – a perfect spot for the PB&J break. It would be a few months before the construction of a raft could be ventured – too cold just now. A dam across the creek as it emptied into Puget Sound always needed engineering. The sun still goes down too early! Remount the bikes for the 4-block ride back home. “See ya tomorrow, Mill. My mom will make us PB&J.”

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