Rotary Club of LakewoodRotary Club of LakewoodRotary Club of LakewoodRotary Club of Lakewood


Major Donor Award for John Caufield

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, March 9, 2025

I am going to begin with apologies to President Bronkema. I guess when the bulletin writer doesn’t show up to the meeting it causes undo stress to the President. Thankful for Donn’s willingness to step up but I got this, from Zoom. Well, at least part of it! If the microphone is not near a speaker’s mouth the words cannot be heard. Those who are Italian and speak with their hands often mime what they are saying well, but sometimes we just have to assume while on Zoom.
The meeting was called to order and Bob Peterson held the floor for the invocation. Dr. Jim Rooks led the flag salute.

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News About our Favorite Club

By Sunday, March 2, 2025

News About our Favorite Clubhouse
Paula Olson

Most might think it was just another Friday in Lakewood and the gathering of the members of Lakewood Rotary, but most would be wrong. Along with it being roast beef for lunch, many important events took place on February 28th, as you will learn in reading this bulletin.

President Carl (aka PCB) called us to order with his signature musical prelude, whatever that was. Yorleny Clapper gave us many thoughts for the day in her invocation and Dwight Williams did a fabulous job leading us in the flag salute.

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Next Rotary Project

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, February 23, 2025

Just a suggestion for when the Little Pantries lose their cachet, and the Little Lending Libraries get demolished by the over-zealous Tenzler hating crowd.

What Did You do in Springtime as a Kid?
I just love spring. Oh, I know it is tempting to slip into trite overtures to rebirth, crocuses, and longer days. But they’re all so true. A lilac’s scent in the neighbor’s yard. That first blush native pink Rhody. An embarrassment of birds teaching their chicks to fly. Honestly, it is all good.

As a kid, a spring day brought the little blue Schwinn out of the garage, pump air into the tires and up the street to Mill’s house. PB&J sandwich in the jacket pocket from a Mom and off we’d go to the waterfront. If the tide was in, our attention turned to the RR tracks and the placement of a penny to be flattened – a good luck charm treasure for the pocket. If tide out, there were miles of sand and rocky beach explorations. Empty clam shells flung like an early version Frisbee, logs and driftwood piled up to make a fort – a perfect spot for the PB&J break. It would be a few months before the construction of a raft could be ventured – too cold just now. A dam across the creek as it emptied into Puget Sound always needed engineering. The sun still goes down too early! Remount the bikes for the 4-block ride back home. “See ya tomorrow, Mill. My mom will make us PB&J.”

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A Whole Lotta Love


A Whole Lotta Love
Gayle Selden
Yes Rotarians, today’s meeting was held on Valentine’s Day. That Hallmark holiday that the candy and greeting card companies created to buoy sales between Christmas and Arbor Day (or maybe it’s Easter, but don’t knock me for consuming copious quantities of candy to get through those rain-soaked days in late April).

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Superbowl LIX

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, February 9, 2025

“I’m back!”
Much to Ole’s regret,
Donnnnn’s doubtfulness,
Greg’s and Gayle’s grumbling,
Steve’s sage satire,
And Joe Quinn’s qualms.
Yet, I yield to Paula’s persistent pleading,
As I have missed all the bull!

Two months ago my 10-year-old computer “crashed”. And, I mean “crashed”! Dead as a doornail! Of course, this event meant I could no longer write the Rotary Bulletin. I’m sure I have not been missed, but it became rather inconvenient on many fronts. Incidentally, I am the most inept tech individual on this planet! Only the knowledge and patience of my eldest daughter, Kelly, has helped me through this calamity. She immediately ordered a shiny, new Apple computer, hopped on a plane and flew here from the Bay Area. She saved all the data from the old computer to the shiny, new one and spent several agonizing days training her clumsy mother to operate the monstrosity sitting on my desk.

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Dynamic Lakewood Rotary!

By Sunday, February 2, 2025

Dynamic Lakewood Rotary!
Joe Quinn

This was an unusually busy meeting at the Rotary Club of Lakewood on the last day of January 2025.  Was it the famous pot roast lunch at Tacoma Country and Golf Club?  Was it because President Carl Bronkema was suddenly called out of town, causing President-Elect Tom George to be dragged out of the dugout to pinch hit?  We had more guests and visiting Rotarians than you could shake a stick at, and so this poor scribe could not keep up with all the names and goings on. It was fast and furious.

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Peanut Butter, Beer and Compliments - Oh My!

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Monday, January 27, 2025

On this 24th day of January, President Carl rang the bell promptly at 12:31 according to this writer’s clock. So we were already waaay behind schedule. However, we all rose and did the usual meeting starting stuff including Eric Warn’s invocation and a salute to Old Glory led by Mark Silva.
January 24th, is National Peanut Butter Day. In honor of this momentous day, I share with you a rhyme my kids learned in preschool. I recommend reading it with a British accent as that really classes it up:
A peanut lay upon the track, his heart was all aflutter.
Around the bend came Number 10…
Toot Toot! Peanut butter.

Yes Rotarians, that is the kind of highbrow prose you can expect in this week’s bulletin so buckle up and strap on that crash helmet because as you can tell, Number 10 brakes for no nut (or in this case anthropomorphized legume).

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District Governor bill McGregor: Just Show Up


District Governor Bill McGregor: Just Show Up
Donn Irwin
Following on the heels of last week’s rather “pucky” Key and in keeping with the sports activity of our current President, Carl Bronkema (PCB), this writer will chat about golf. Oh, and will mention a few things about what the Governor had to say as well.

Tim, an employee of Carl’s, knew his boss was out of the office for the day. Tim had the brilliant idea to transfer all of his office telephone calls to his personal cell phone and took it with him to play golf. Carl called Tim on the sixth hole and asked, how is everything going today? Trying to keep his composure and muffle the ambient outside noise, Tim responded, Everything’s great. All under control, boss. That’s great, his boss replied. Could you do me a favor? Sure, Tim said. What do you need? Could you move a little faster? I'm in the foursome behind you.

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Rotary, Hockey, and other Shenanigans

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, January 12, 2025

Before Carl Bronkema became President of Lakewood Rotary, I knew the following things about hockey: Wayne Gretzky, Bobby Hull, Gordie Howe, The Miracle on Ice, and Rodney Dangerfield’s quote: “I went to a fight the other night, and a hockey game broke out.” Oh, and I knew we had an NHL team in Seattle, the Kraken. That’s not much, given that President Carl is such a fanatic about the sport. I decided I should do some serious investigation into this apparently violent competitive activity. Included in the recap of our meeting from January 10 at the Pavilion will be some knowledge that I acquired through exhaustive research. You’re welcome.

Along about 12:30, give or take, His Hockey-ness started the away game/meeting at our Ft. Steilacoom Pavilion with the invocation of President-elect Tom George. Tom’s thoughts included the plight of the people near the Palisades fire in LA. Treasurer John Lowney has set up a payment portal on our website to donate to a Rotary fund to help those folks. $20 - $1,000.

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A Christmas Carl – What a Little Dickens!

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, December 22, 2024

London Rotary - December 19, 1843
A Christmas Carl – What a Little Dickens!
Bob Cratchit, PP Ron Irwin, and a ghost of Christmas past - PP Paul Reeder, were in a PUB enjoying a Smoking Bowl. They discussed how they could raise rents on little old ladies residing in their tenements. Jacob Marley came in and “tut tutted” them with an admonition to be more generous and kind-hearted, especially at Christmas. “Why should we? Old man Ebenezer Scrooge ain’t generous!” Exclaimed the AI generated Cratchit, Scrooge’s CPA!
Burping the smoky haze of spicy port wine, Cratchit excused himself, explaining he needed to take care of his kid, Tim. He also had to get back to the office as Scrooge expected him to work on Christmas day, without extra pay.
The AI Dickensian Scene morphed into Friday’s Lakewood Rotary Roast of President Carl. Or did it? What did we really witness? A Plenty of Puffins Portrayed Players Performing Parts of a Christmas Pageant: Past, Present and Portentous.

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The Case of the Missing Puffins

By Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Case of the Missing Puffins
Gayle Selden
The December 13th meeting of the Rotary Club of Lakewood was in one of our alternative locations, the grill room down in the basement of the Tacoma Country and Golf Club. As I descended the stairs I was greeted by Chuck Hellar as the solo person working a desk. I was rather late to the meeting so I missed our Paul Harris desk person and anyone else who may have been there.

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Puffins and Rafts and Circuses, Oh My! (Or When By-Laws Attack)

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Saturday, December 7, 2024

Ring my Be-eee-eell! Ring my Bell!

Prior to President Carl ringing in our first meeting of December, those who weren’t overly distracted by their chicken and mushroom soup were treated to the dulcet tones of none other than Joe “The Iron Fog” Quinn as he serenaded us all briefly with a few lines of “Silver Bells.” Turns out Mr. Quinn knows his way around the weight room AND a microphone. But we saw now evidence of how strong his “air guitar” game is so maybe we can get him singing “Born to be Wild” next week.

President Carl rang the bell at 12:30 sharp and the December 6 meeting was off and running. Clint Johnson did the invocation reminding us of the approaching holiday season and to keep our hearts open to those “lost or hurting.”

Jim Bisceglia led the flag salute. We saluted the flag.

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Amazonians Among Us

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, November 24, 2024

Ah, fellow Rotarians. We are in the season of gratitude and I for one am grateful for the fine folks of Lakewood Rotary who are among the most likely members of our community to sport a “SERVICE ABOVE SELF” tattoo, (but probably inked in a discrete spot where it is unlikely to offend the neighbors—with the exception of Greg Horn who I am pretty sure was voted “Most Likely to Water Ski in His Birthday Suit.”)

Publisher’s note: I have. I ran a perfect pass at 34 mph on the slalom course at Ski Park - A LONG TIME AGO.

If you weren’t in attendance at Friday’s meeting, you missed a good one. President Carl called us all to attention with the help of Tom George’s grandson, Easton who swung the gavel with authority as the bell brought everyone to their feet.

Barlow Buescher invocated quite beautifully remind us that Thanksgiving is next week and to be grateful for those who laid the foundation for our own success and well-being as well as imploring us all to do our part to plant the seeds for those who will follow us to create a just and loving society. Can I get an “Amen??”

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Know Your Rotarians!

By Sunday, November 17, 2024

Know Your Rotarians.

There will be a test at the end of this bulletin, to see how well you know your fellow Lakewood Rotarians.  In an effort to get all of you to introduce yourself to any LR you do not know (maybe because they are a brand-new Puffin), in this bulletin all members are referred to by their initials only. At the end there is a brief quiz, in which the full names are revealed, so you can test yourself and give yourself a passing or failing grade.  Good luck.

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Paul Harris Awards on a Roll

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, November 10, 2024

As you read this report about Friday’s Rotary happenings, the important thing to remember is that I probably have forgotten something. And as I cannot read my own notes most of the time, there will be little help there. Just know that I mean well….

On time, President Carl was. I think. It was certainly close. Bud Montgomery greeted us all and received Paul Harris money (successfully: $716), Linda Disney sold tickets for $2.00, and everyone lost except for Joel Vranna, and Stephanie Wilcox handed out Christmas Dinner invites. Paula Olson invoked us, while Donn Irwin led the Pledge. Walt Richardson took the lovely pictures herein, which hopefully takes your mind of the inept prose. Rob Erb, James Osundwa, Terry Roarke and Wynn Hoffman did the tough stuff: set up early, take down late. Thank you!

Guests: Connie Coleman-Lacadie introduced Chad Smith, Army retiree and now working for the  veterans’ organization called Katie’s Way Plus.

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The Race is On

By Sunday, November 3, 2024

The Race is On
Donnn Irwin
Hopefully everyone is over the Halloween crazy stuff now. Sugar highs have been conquered and we can all get back to concentrating on the really crazy stuff known as our Presidential Election Cycle……ah me……I need an adult beverage.
The Dodgers are the new reigning World Baseball Champions and what seems to be the never-ending baseball season, has come to a close – this time before November!
President Carl Bronkema (PCB) rang the meeting into existence. Phyllis Stone invocated us and Connie Coleman-Lacadie led us in the pledge. Dick Farrell was all over the Paul Harris desk where he took in $856 for the fund. Wonderful stuff ladies and gentlemen, wonderful stuff!! Gary Barton sold raffle tickets and was the Sargeant-at-Arms.

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62nd Operations Group at McChord

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, October 27, 2024

In a frightening turn of events, Pres. Carl was absent from the podium at this Friday meeting before the most important holiday of the year – Halloween, the day when the ghosts of the dead return to earth. But luckily, Lakewood Rotary had PP Jim Rooks to save us from potential ghoulish goblins that could replace Carl. He called us to order at the right time.

Then he called on Eric Warn for the invocation and Peter Marsh for the Pledge of Allegiance. Contributing to the success of the meeting, Dick Ferrell took contributions to the Paul Harris Foundation and Debbie McVicker served as Sargent-at-Arms and womaned the $2.00 table. Rob Erb led the Dream Team of the set-up crew.

Bob Zawilski took photos, and Paula Olson took notes. (I wouldn’t call what Paula did was taking notes. A first-grader would be proud of her squiggly lines. She had taken a bunch of narcotic pain meds to deal with a painful eye condition and was in Lala land at the meeting. She hoped that mainlining protein by way of roast beef would help. It didn’t.) Three Puffins were present and acknowledged.


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The Program that Stumped Rotarians

Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Program that Stumped Rotarians
John Magnuson
The Weather Today

The leaves turned yellow along I-90
A little late this year.
Summer lasted longer and more kindly,
The skies more shiny and more clear.

The Norwegian Farmer’s Almanac says we’ll pay the price
With snow and some deep freezes, some folks swear, by Jesus,
Since 1818 it’s only been wrong twice.


Norwegian Primstav


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It's Peanuts and G Nuts!

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, October 13, 2024

The roaring sounds of LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE started in the dining room announcing the beginning of the October 11th meeting of the Rotary Club of Lakewood. President Carl Bronkema rang the meeting to order. Yorleny Clapper lead the Rotary Moment reading some poems about silence in honor of those experiencing grief. Tom George led the pledge.

President Bronkema thanked James Guerrero at the Paul Harris Desk, Barlow Buescher at the raffle and acting as Sargent at Arms. Set up team was recognized—cheers to Tom George, Wynn Hoffman, Terry Roarke, James Osundwa and Rob Erb.

Puffns were recognized and a lot were in attendance but there was no stuffed Puffin among them. The puffin or puffins as there are two or three in rotation appear to have disappeared.  Soon an investigation will be started! President Carl called up puffin Kamarie Wilson to receive her blue badge.

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Photography 2.0

By Sunday, October 6, 2024

Photography 2.0
Donn Irwin
It all began as it should (well maybe with the exception of the “let’s get ready to RUMBLE music as the current President’s “walk up” music requests) …...the bell rang at 12:30PM and Chris Kimball did the invocation followed by the esteemed Mark Blanchard leading us in the Pledge.
Dateline October 4, 1535 - the first complete English Bible came off the press.

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Let’s Play Lakewood Rotary Squares!

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, September 29, 2024

Let’s Play Lakewood Rotary Squares!

Last week, Lakewood Key writer and publisher, Paula Olson, mentioned that President Carl “kept the Zoomers in their squares.” So that got me to thinking…. what if Carl abandoned the normal Friday procedure, and ran the meeting with the Zoomers? It would be like Hollywood Squares, with the stars in their little square cubicles. Instead of host Peter Marshall asking questions of Paul Lynde, George Gobel, Charley Weaver, and Rose Marie, it might go something like this:

President Carl: John Magnuson, do female frogs croak?
John: If you hold their little heads under water long enough they will.

President Carl: Ralph Johnson, if you’re going to make a parachute jump, at least how high should you be?
Ralph: Three days of steady drinking should do it.

President Carl: Carole Wier, according to Anne Landers, there are two things you should never do in bed. What are they?
Carole: Point and laugh.

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Help for Military Families

By Sunday, September 22, 2024

Help for Military Families

Paula T. Olson

            Well, you could tell it was another Friday in Lakewood with the booming music, followed by a bell ring and a whistle that heralded another Rotary meeting with President Carl at the helm. Clint Johnson gave an ode to Fall in his invocation and Greg Horn did a masterful job of leading us in the Pledge to the Flag. Chuck Hellar manned the Paul Harris desk collecting a whopping $546, Mark Edgecomb served as Sergeant at Arms, and the IT Dream Team kept the Zoomers in their squares and the internet buzzing.  Walt Richardson took pictures, Paula Olson took notes and the meeting went off without a hitch.

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Interim Lakewood Library is Open!

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, September 15, 2024

Right on the dot of 12:30, President Carl rang the bell, blew the whistle as the music (?...he seems to think that is real music) blared from the speaker near me.

His Honor welcomed the Rotarians, Friends of Rotarians…and those who would like to become Rotarians! Philip Lindholm provided us with “a Rotary Moment”, followed by James Oswunda who led us in the pledge to our flag.

Connie Coleman-Lacadie was man-ing (woman-ing) the Paul Harris desk and Linda Disney was noted as the Sgt. at Arms, gathering our coins at the $2.00 table. We left the check-in table to find a seat, with high hopes of winning the pot. Or at least the white chip.

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Reeder Roadster Romp Report - Special Edition

By Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Reeder Roadster Romp Report - Special edition
Paula Olson
            I’m reporting from the reservations line (not to be confused with the standby line) of the Port Townsend Ferry dock on the annual Reeder Roadster Romp to Whidbey Island. Thanks to Phil and Judy Eng with indispensable help from Bonnie Magnuson (okay, hubby John helped a little), it was a great success for about 30 participants.

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Love is in the Air!

By Sunday, September 8, 2024

Love is in the Air!

By Joe Quinn

Following his strict agenda, President Carl Bronkema (PCB, like the dreaded pollutant), turned on his “Prelude Music” at 12:27.  At 12:30, give or take, PCB rang the bell, blew the whistle and did whatever else was necessary to get Lakewood Rotarians to be quiet, so he could start the meeting.   He welcomed all Rotarians, Friends of Rotarians, and those “who would like to become Rotarians.”

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Love is in the Air!

By Sunday, September 8, 2024

Love is in the Air!

By Joe Quinn

Following his strict agenda, President Carl Bronkema (PCB, like the dreaded pollutant), turned on his “Prelude Music” at 12:27.  At 12:30, give or take, PCB rang the bell, blew the whistle and did whatever else was necessary to get Lakewood Rotarians to be quiet, so he could start the meeting.   He welcomed all Rotarians, Friends of Rotarians, and those “who would like to become Rotarians.”

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A Toast to Ralph

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, September 1, 2024

I should have known something was amiss when Tom George greeted me at the sign in desk dressed a little more formally. A nice blue tie adorned his pressed button up shirt. He also seemed a bit more harried than usual. I soon learned with the rest of the meeting attendees that Tom was our President for the day.

President Elect Tom George rang the bell to start the meeting. Paula Olson shared a Rotary moment by honoring Labor Day and those who are in dangerous jobs. Tom called up Ralph Lockhart to do his rendition of the Toast to the Flag. Ralph has been performing that for many years. He’ll soon be moving to Arizona full time, so it was nice to start the meeting off with his fun Flag tradition. Thanks for your 40 years of Rotary service, Kerosene! (Kerosene is Ralph Lockhart’s nickname.)

Tom George acknowledged Chuck Hellar at the Paul Harris desk, Leon Titus at the Raffle table and the set-up crew of Rob Erb, James Osundwa, Wynn Hoffman and Tom George. Tom giggled as he thanked himself, he seemed almost surprised he was on the set up crew. He announced me, Gayle Selden, as the bulletin writer who is firmly set in taking a first-person approach to this bulletin. And our photographer, Walt Richardson who always takes care to catch the best angles.

Leon Titus introduced visiting Rotarian, Andrea Suarez, from University District Sunrise (Seattle). Andrea founded the We Love Seattle program that works with homeless issues. She was recently named Rotarian of the Year of her district, District 5030. She was a guest of Angela Connelly who always provides the best introductions.

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Sunday, August 25, 2024

John Magnuson
If you are new to Lakewood Rotary there is a chance we have not met, yet. “We” as in Zoomers. As such, “We” may make references to stuff you haven’t been introduced to yet. For example: The Greenleaf, The Easter Pancake Breakfast, The Wild Game Dinner, etc. As this week’s bulletin writer, I will tell you a reference to the “weekly bulletin” is inaccurate because the bulletin, or bull, is actually “The Key.”  Neither here nor there in importance, other than you have much to learn, Grasshopper (Puffin.) You probably already know one of Rotary’s tasks is the worldwide elimination of Polio. Another, for 20 years, is the Rotary Peace Fellowship program.

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How to Keep Your Brain Normal as You Age

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fairly newly minted President Carl Bronkema (PCB) started the meeting off at precisely 12:30PM after the collective was subject to some unintelligible musical soundtrack. The esteemed Eric Warn gave us a “moment” and Jim Bisceglia led us in the pledge.

The Players making it all happen for us:

Dick Ferrell at the Paul Harris table and the unstoppable Chuck Hellar at the raffle desk/doubling as Sgt at Arms.

On this date in 1501 – Michelangelo was awarded a contract to create a statue of David.
Tom George, Wynn Hoffman, Terry Roarke and James Osundwa set us up and kept us going. (Their leader, one Rob Erb, was doing family duty in another state south of here…. perhaps PCB could get a Greenleaf out of him at next week’s meeting, just sayin’).

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Just Venmo Me . . .

By Sunday, August 11, 2024

Just Venmo Me…
Steve Saalfeld
Though August 9, 2024 marked the 50th anniversary of Gerald Ford taking the reins after President Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace, I’m here to assure you that President Carl Bronkema is not a crook.
At 12:30pm, President Carl Bronkema called the weekly gathering of Lakewood Rotarians to order. Chris pinch hit for Shiru with the invocation and Gary Fulton saluted the flag.

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Did you know………

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, August 4, 2024

Did you know………
…..that Don Daniels has been a Rotary president twice?!? Fife Rotary (‘90-‘91) and Lakewood Rotary (‘17-‘18). So you’d think he’d have had the whole thing down by now, but… took him until 12:31 to start the meeting!! That was probably because the Club Secretary was harassing him for not inducting the two scheduled new members, making some lame excuse that it was the “honor of the actual President”. The fact that Don managed to survive the clearly overbearing Secretary’s diatribe was quite impressive, actually. We need a new secretary…

Did you know….that the only three generation Lakewood Rotary family is the Seldens:  Ed Selden, Rick Selden and Gayle Selden.

The Players:
Steve Enquist, Paul Harris Desk ($1618 collected….possibly a best ever)
Debbie McVicker, ticket sales/Sgt at Arms
Set up, Rob Erb, Tom George, Wynn Hoffman
Invocation/Thought: Tom George
Pledge, Joe Quinn
Photos, Joe Quinn

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Flexible Rotarians!

By Sunday, July 28, 2024

Flexible Rotarians!

By Joe Quinn

Because there was a slight mixup, most of us did not know until July 25th that the Tacoma Country and Golf Club was unable to accommodate us today.  But about 40 or more Lakewood Rotarians showed up anyway at the Pavilion at Fort Steilacoom Park, to hold our weekly meeting.  This proves how flexible Rotarians are!   Our new President, Carl Bronkema, bravely stepped up and took all the blame for the late notice.  He even fined himself.

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We Heard the R.O.A.R. Today

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, July 21, 2024

Not sure about this “Prelude Music”…in fact, I’d hardly call it “music”…just noise. Was it President Carl who made this selection? He surely has a “deaf ear, or two”. But, he was timely with calling us to order. He asked Yorleny Clapper to give the invocation, and that she did, as we bowed our heads and listened to her beautiful words. Rob Erb then lead us in the pledge to our flag.

The president listed the names of those who made this meeting possible. At the Paul Harris desk was Bud Montgomery and Gary Barton filled the shoes of Sgt. at Arms. The Dream Team: Scott Baird, Tom George, Wynn Hoffman, James Osundwa, and Rob Erb were thanked for the work they so diligently do each and every week. President Carl then welcomed the Puffins who stood proudly. Not to be forgotten, Walt Richardson, with his trusty camera, was photographer-of-the- day and ‘yours truly’ was honored to be the scribe, even though the prez hasn’t figured out how to spell my name!

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Celebrity Visit by Amy Clancy

By Sunday, July 14, 2024

Celebrity Visit by Amy Clancy

Paula T. Olson

            And we’re off!! A disembodied voice was heard over the crowded room, “Is this Carl’s first meeting?” And the answer was yes, Carole, it is! President Carl Bronkema’s first meeting of his tenure as President of Lakewood Rotary Club. He chose this drum beat song that was most certainly not “We are Family” and that belted out, signaling the time to stand. The zoomers continued to talk amongst themselves until finally, they got the message.


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The Rotary Meeting That Wasn't

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Thursday, July 11, 2024

Our July 5 meeting was not held because it was the day after July 4, and it probably would not have been well attended.  Everyone got to enjoy a four-day weekend and take a quick break from the world of Lakewood Rotary.

For those of you addicted to receiving your weekly bulletin and are feeling left out, this bulletin is for you.

Recently we celebrated the life of one of our great members, Gordy Quick.  Gordy, along with his lovely wife Juanita, truly stood out from the average Rotarian, if there is such a thing as average Rotarian.  (Statistacally, half of all Rotaians are below average and half are above average, but I'm not being paid to reach a math class, so I'll move on.

With all the things we do for others in this world, we undoubtedly leave a mark on some.  Gordy and Juanita left a much larger mark than most.

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The Year is Gone

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Year is gone
When one asks
“How quickly is it that the year so goes?”
One need only know,
The days same number that the scented rose does grow.
aka John Magnuson
Presidentus Terminus
And so, President Mary’s term ends. Alas, so soon?  Wait! Did we get our money’s worth? How many new members? 16, maybe more? A strong board of directors with fulfilled work. Director Barlow Buescher related that all his subcommittees spent every allocated dime! It doesn’t get better than that. A slate of officers stepping in without a hitch – trained, uniformed, drill team, polished, deployable, all their shots, fresh batteries – hut, twoop, threep, fourp!

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If I had a nickel…

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Monday, June 24, 2024

I write to you on a beautiful June day from the tree house in my backyard, because, well wouldn’t you be writing from your tree house in your backyard if you had such a thing?
It is possible that these things really happened at this week’s meeting:
Ring, ring went the dinner bell and a roomful of  Rotarians roused themselves from their chairs. Today marks the penultimate meeting presided over by President Mary Horn. In one week’s time she’ll pass the gavel to Carl Bronkema. We will fondly remember this year as one of good humor and civility as we lament the scandalous pun-a-minute, coconut-bra-wearing days of former President-Mayor Whalen.

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By Laws and State of the Club Part 1

By Sunday, June 16, 2024

By-Laws and State of the Club Part I

Donnn Irwin

It all started with one ringy dingy from President Mary’s (PM) bell and we were off to the proverbial races - or, the meeting began – whichever way you want to state the obvious.
And this way also signals PM’s third to the last meeting (pause here for applause).

Incoming Prez Carl Bronkema orchestrated the Pledge and the tie wearing Clint Johnson invocated. Mr. Johnson gave a special emphasis to recognizing our country’s flag because, after all, it was Flag Day. Nice job, Clint.

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Mary Horn Counts Them Down

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Monday, June 10, 2024

After this meeting…..only three left for lame duck President Mary Horn. If you thought she was crying at the meeting because she’s almost done, not so: she was near tears only because she’s recovering from food poisoning. What a stalwart! Toughing it out!!

Prior to the clang of the bell, Scott Buser took Paul Harris money, Leon Titus sold raffle tickets by the dozen ($1,398 pot, two chips left), Rob Erb, Tom George, Wynn Hoffman, and tech wizard James Osundwa did set up. And then came “We Are Family” for a couple brief moments before the hammering of the bell and Mark Herr’s pledge to the flag followed by Shiru Osundwa’s thought for the day (beautifully said).

As we progressed, Walt Richardson took pictures. Zooming were: Carole Wier, Ralph Johnson, Kamarie Wilson, Philip Lindholm, Rick Selden, Mark Blanchard, John Magnuson and Rachel Mazoff. Bill Potter (AG) and Tony Camoroda (DG-elect almost) were in the house. Troy Wilcox introduced Norwegian exchange student Amelia (she goes home Tuesday!) and Kendra introduced friend Eric Sweigart.


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Teacher Appreciation Day

By Sunday, June 2, 2024


THE LAKEWOOD KEY for May 31, 2024

By Joe Quinn

Because today was a day to feature our Educators of the Year at Lakewood Rotary, the scribe decided to make this bulletin all about education.  We will try to use a whole lot of unusual words, to send our devoted readers (both of them) running to Roget’s Thesaurus, to find out what the heck we are trying to say.  Last week, one of the editors failed to notice that the scribe made a slight error, by typing “horseless” when the word intended was “homeless.”  Actually, we noticed a few more grammatical or typographical errors, but only one Rotarian name was butchered.  Therefore, the scribe today has included at least five errors to test  (remember, today is all about education) the editor to see if he/she is awake.

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Hope for the Unhoused with Pierce County Community Village

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Monday, May 27, 2024
Main article image for story titled 'Hope for the Unhoused with Pierce County Community Village'

Ever walk into a crowded room that you know well and feel funny. Somethings off, odd. You’ve been there countless times before but not felt this feeling. That was me on Friday. I said hello to several people, got my lunch and sat down at the table. I looked around but couldn’t shake that unsettled feeling. Then about 12:28 pm, I started to hear unusual sounds, and the feeling got stronger. Finally, as Past President Jason Whalen came to the podium and the music played a little louder, I realized what was going on. President Mother Mary was absent, there was no “We are Family” by Sister Sledge playing, and Hawaii Guy was leading the meeting with Aloha music playing in the background. As I learned later, Mother Mary was still on the sick list and had to call in a sub.

PP Jason brought us to order on time. He said he was almost late for the meeting because he didn't know the bridge across Steilacoom Lake was closed.  Chris Kimball led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and then did double duty by giving an invocation. Rob Erb announced a moment of silence for those who had given the ultimate gift, their lives, for our freedom. PP Jason thanked Chuck Hellar for manning the Paul Harris table, Linda Disney for what she did, and the Dream Team for meeting set up: Scott, Rob, James, Rick, Wynn and Terry. Jason didn’t get the memo that I, Paula Olson, was writing the bulletin, but I don’t fault him for that, as he came through for PM Mary in her hour of need. Walt Richardson took pictures.


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Farewell Amelia Babozada!

By Sunday, May 19, 2024

Farewell Amelia Babozada!
Wendy McGowan

As the boisterous music, “We are family” faded, I looked toward the podium expecting to see President Mother Mary. In her place stood Carl Bronkema. I was sure the installation had yet to take place. That was still more than a month away. Was Carl getting in “a practice session” or had Mary actually turned the gavel over to her successor? We all discovered that Mary had a bad cold and had ‘called in the back-up’. Oh, are we in for a year……(sigh)! Carl was having a hard time ringing the dinner bell…..(sigh).


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Earthlings, extraterrestrials and kids. Oh, my!

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Saturday, May 11, 2024

Dear Rotarians—This week’s bulletin’s features the literary stylings of the one and only me. And if you are convinced that when any scribe describes their writing as “literary stylings” no jury will convict you of assault when you punch said scribe in the face next time you see them walking down the street, you are correct. So next time you see me (John Magnuson for those who don’t know me) I’ll expect to dodge a jab or two.

Now, if you’ve never scribed for a Rotary meeting before, you may not know that a scribe is handed an agenda for the day’s meeting before they put pen to paper. But in my short time attempting to do this job, I’ve learned rather quickly that the order of the agenda has nothing to do with the order of what happens during the actual meeting. So, if my account doesn’t match what you saw at today’s meeting, you at least know why.

President Mary started our meeting off at 12:30pm with the usual feel-good music and ring of the dinner bell. The flag was saluted followed by a beautiful salute to our mothers by Paula Olsen. For those of you who eschew the Gregorian calendar for a system that consists of tracking Netflix releases and the time until the next run of Haley’s Comet, this is your reminder that Mother’s Day is coming up this Sunday. Honor the mothers in your life accordingly.

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Den Tredje Mai

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Den Tredje Mai
John Magnuson
As the celebrations on  Den Tredje Mai wind down, comparisons are made to “green beer” on St. Patrick’s Day and “Corona beer and a wedge of lime” on Cinco de Mayo.  So today we have one of Swedish Glory Month’s most important festivities – Aquavit, on Den Tredje Mai holiday.
Okay kids, select the most correct answer:
  1. President John Lowney chose to hold Friday’s meeting on Den Tredje Mai knowing that Swedish members of Lakewood Rotary would be thrilled to celebrate one of Sweden’s most important historical events.
  2. Some criminal reason of no importance.
  3. Some forgettable Norwegian reason.
  4. PM knew she wouldn’t be here today so can’t be blamed.

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Is It Real or Is It Fake, Or Enhanced Artifically, Or...?

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Monday, April 29, 2024

You have to ask yourself, is this real or is this fake as you read this recounting of the Lakewood Rotary Club’s weekly meeting for April 26, 2024. You have to do that anyway when this scribe writes so this shouldn’t be much of stretch for any of you.

President Mary (PM) rang the school bell at 12:30 with background music playing compliments of Sister Sledge.

Making it all happen: Chuck Hellar was at the Foundation Station, Barlow Buescher handled the raffle tickets with an assist from Don Daniels who was also collecting Wine & Beer Festival raffle ticket money.  Bob Peterson guided us through the Pledge, Yorleny Clapper gave a thankful invocation, the Dream Team (Tom George, Scott Baird, Wynn Hoffman, Terry Roarke, Rick Selden and Rob Erb) set us up and tore us down. Walt Richardson took the pictures and Donn Irwin acted as scribe for the day.

Barlow B and Greg R tended the cookie jar offerings.

1912 – First home run hit at Fenway Park in Boston

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Students Show the Future is Indeed Bright!

By Sunday, April 21, 2024

Students Show the Future is Indeed Bright!

Steve Saalfeld

Rotarians—I write to you from the future! Or it might be the past. You see as I connected with President Mary before Friday’s meeting, I read the heading at the top of the meeting notes she handed me and saw that the date read “Friday, April 12, 2024.” Now for a moment, I breathed a sigh of relief and was about to hand off my pen and notepad since I knew I was signed up to scribe on Friday, April 19. Alas, it was but a clerical error and if I had to guess it was probably Greg’s fault (Geez, Greg!).
So regardless of when I’m writing from, you’re reading this in the future. So tell me…how is it? With any luck you’ll be replying from your flying car in your silver body suit and throw a stock tip or two my way. I’m poised to buy low.
The good news is Tax Day is behind us. Though maybe that’s bad news for anyone reading this who thought it was April 12. Good luck President Mary!


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Was It A Hat Trick? A Trifecta? A Threepeat? Or Was It A Triple Play?

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Monday, April 15, 2024

The outlook wasn't brilliant for the Lakewood Rotary nine that day:
The score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play,

They thought, "If only Mary could but get a whack at that—
We'd put up even money now, with Mary at the bat."

(apologies to Ernest Thayer’s Casey at the Bat)

And to the plate strode Mighty Mary, to save the day one more time!
She whacked that bell so smartly, and off to another meeting sublime.

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Earthquakes and Other Disasters

By Sunday, April 7, 2024

Earthquakes and Other Disasters

            By Joe Quinn

     President Mary Horn (PM) opened the meeting right on time with music, bells and whistles as is her wont. Or is it want? Anyway, she did it the way she always does…with alacrity.

The usual suspects:  Making this meeting possible were the following wonderful volunteers:

Flag Salute: Rob Erb
Rotary Moment:  Scott Buser, who waxed eloquent by quoting from Ralph Waldo Emerson
Paul Harris Desk:  Dick Ferrell
Sgt. At Arms/Raffle Desk:   Greg Horn, or Jan Gee or both
Family Dream Team/Setup Crew:  Rob Erb led his crew: Scott Baird, Tom George, Wynn Hoffman, James Osundwa and Terry Roarke
Puffins:  PM made them stand or wave
Photog: Walt Richardson
Scribe:  Joe Quinn
Cookie Jar Tender:  John Lowney

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The word of the day: Write! Write it down! Right?

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Monday, April 1, 2024

But, before we go any further, Mother Mary had an agenda. We all heard “We are family” and then the dinner bell.

I, too, have an agenda. I’m a rather new Rotarian and still have a lot to learn. However, my husband, Mike, was a Lakewood Rotarian for 50 years, so I remember a great deal of our club’s history. Recently, I have delved into Greg Rediske’s book “50 years of Service and Fellowship”. It has brought back so many good memories. Occasionally, when I am with other Lakewood Rotarians I am surprised that so many of the current members do not have those same memories. To be sure, I have Greg’s permission, so I will tell you. You will find them in italic amongst the bulletins I write. I hope you find them as interesting and fun-loving and historical as I do. 

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Red Cross to the REscue!

By Sunday, March 24, 2024

Red Cross to the Rescue

Paula T. Olson

            President Mary rang the dinner bell promptly at 12:30 for Friday’s meeting. Dick Ferrell led us in the Pledge of Allegiance followed by Shiru Osundwa with the invocation. Mary reminded us that today was the Tenth Anniversary of the landslide in Oso but also that it was World Water Day. She played a short video to educate us that we are lucky to live in an area surrounded by water but others are not so lucky. Water conservation is important as we are not immune to drought.

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Change is Inevitable

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, March 17, 2024

It was a very sunny Friday . . . . full of a spring of anticipation. President Mary Horn (PMH) gathered at the podium as the sounds of We are Family were playing. Rob Erb lead us in the flag salute and Eric Warn shared some inspiring words. PMH acknowledged Debbie McVicker at the Paul Harris desk and Jan Gee at the Raffle table. Sometimes this gets called the $2 table and I have a sneaking suspicion the name derived from the infamous creation of the Rotary Foundation being set as a $2 per week donation per Russ Klauser’s suggestion. This helped members become Paul Harris fellows in a manageable financial commitment.  Now since Raffle tickets are sold at $2 each the name $2 transferred from one position to the other. At least that is my interpretation.

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Spring Has Sprung!

By Sunday, March 10, 2024

Spring has Sprung

John Magnuson

Spring has Sprung

Spring springs ubiquitously,
And flowers bloom deliriously.

The Trillium

Mid-summer I look to see,
Where the Trillium went.
Now I remember,
It comes back each Lent.

The Crocus

My wife and I sat admiring our garden,
Then we both squirmed as something tried to poke us.
Sure enough, some aggressive little Crocus!


Forsythia, Primrose, Tulips, Daffodils and Witch Hazel,
Saffron harbingers of spring.
Our gardens do relax us.
Until we realize, it’s time to do our taxes!


And with that for you to dwell upon, here follows a recap of the Rotary meeting. PP Mayor Jason Whalen led us in the salute to the flag. Robert Peterson followed with a stirring invocation. PP Gary Fulton at the Paul Harris desk and Gary Barton acted as Sgt. at Arms. PP Bob Zawilski was photographer and PP Ole as scrivener – that is a $17.95 word for scribe or reporter.


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The Israel/Hamas Mess

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, March 3, 2024

Due to the rather sobering subject matter of today’s meeting this writer is having a hard time deciding how to begin this missive. Fellow scribe Greg Rediske could possibly brighten things up with a little Scandahoovian humor. Wendy McGowan might pun us and former EIC (Editor-in Charge), the mighty Joe Quinn, could school us on legal issues while Ole might…...well, who knows what Ole (aka John Magnuson) might do. I have come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is simply get on with it so, here goes.

President Mary (PM) shocked the gathered by starting the meeting at 12:25 (I wasn’t even half way done with my salad at the time but duty called so down went the fork and up went the pen). She shared that due to the presentation by today’s speaker and the full schedule in front of her that we needed to get on with it.

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Lakewood Playhouse New Artistic Director – Joe Walsh


Lakewood Playhouse New Artistic Director – Joe Walsh
Gayle Selden
The last meeting of the month of February has come quickly to Lakewood Rotary. A question often posed if you had an extra hour every day what would you do with it? This February we get a whole extra day. 366 Days in this leap year with our bonus day coming this coming week. What could you do with 24 extra hours?
Rose Stevens was the first greeter of the day collecting food for the Little Free Pantries outside the front door of the club. Connie Coleman-Lacadie was at the table collecting Wine Fest ticket money and encouraging participation for the Lakewood Rotary Wine and Beer Festival. Leon Titus was on the Paul Harris Desk and collected $285. Jan Gee was flashing a lot of money at the raffle table.

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Sidney Minutes February 15, 2024

By Edited By Horn, Mary JTuesday, February 20, 2024


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The Return of Ole and Friends

By Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Return of Ole and Friends

Greg Rediski

We writers at the Lakewood Key (aka The Lakewood Rotary Bulletin) constantly strive for semi-perfection in our prescribed duty to inform our fellow members. In pursuit of that, an extensive survey was undertaken, to identify areas of the club, and particularly regarding the Bulletin, that we could improve upon. The results came back that President Mary Horn was just dandy, the club was doing fine, but…….the bulletin needed more Swedish jokes. We heard your concern, and will make every effort to rectify this failing, starting now. (Fortunately, the survey said nothing about NEW Swedish jokes, just Swedish jokes…..)

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A Good Neighbor

By Monday, February 12, 2024


THE LAKEWOOD KEY for February 9, 2024

By Joe Quinn

            President Mary Horn (PM) did it again!  She ran the meeting backwards, by allowing our Program Speaker to go first at 12:30 p.m.  That is the second time in the last few weeks that she has done that!  But it was worth it.  Actually, the meeting started as usual with a breathless invocation by Clint Johnson, inspired by Valentine’s Day and including a touching poem by President Abraham Lincoln.   Apparently, Clint ran all the way from the far parking lot. Our Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mark Edgecomb.

City Manager John Caulfield took the podium to introduce Lt. General Xavier Brunson, the highest-ranking officer at Joint Base Lewis McChord (JBLM), who also serves as the Commandant of I Corps, one of the largest segments of the United States Army.  Since John is the Lakewood City Manager, Rotary has all kinds of graphics that might embarrass him.  The video screen showed a picture of John  (looked like a deep fake made by AI) with a long-stemmed red rose in his mouth, surrounded by hearts. PM interrupted his intro of General Brunson, to point out the video and levy a fine.  Never to be caught unawares, John said she could have whatever money he had in his wallet or $100.  Her choice.  She chose safely and took the $100 bill. (There was a prior LR President who would have said, “No, I am like the IRS—you are ordered to pay all of the contents of your wallet, or $100, whichever is greater.”)

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Friday's Meeting was a Real Kick!

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, February 4, 2024

Piglet: “How do you spell love?”
Pooh: “You don’t spell it. You feel it.”

If you are wondering what this conversation has to do with today’s meeting, read on. The words of Christopher Robin, Piglet, Winnie the Pooh, and Eeyore became my favorite storybook characters as a young child. I still remember Piglet’s words: “A day spent with you is my favorite day. So, today is my favorite day.”

At 12:25 on this day I heard a familiar prelude. For sure it was “We are family” by Sister Sledge. Instinct told me Mother Mary was edging toward the “dinner bell.”

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How to be Prepared for an Unexpected Passing

By Sunday, January 28, 2024

How to be Prepared for an Unexpected Passing

Paula T. Olson

            It was the last Friday of the month and pot roast was on the menu. President Mary rang the dinner bell exactly at 12:30 pm. Scott Buser gave a heartfelt invocation talking about some of the Founding Fathers and history of Lakewood Rotary and expressed our gratitude of their leadership. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the cutest future Rotarian, Asa Horn, grandson of PM. Other meeting set up crew included James Guerrero at the Paul Harris table, Linda Disney as the $2.00 table/Sargent at Arms, Family Dream Team included Scott Baird, Tom George, Wynn Hoffman, Terry Roarke, Rick Selden, James Osundwa and Rob Erb. John aka “J. Lo” Lowney tended the Cookie Jar, Walt Richardson worked the camera and Paula Olson frantically took notes for the bulletin.

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Test by Bulletin Greg Horn

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Ipso defacto and whaterver other Latin and anything else paste here

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What Would Barlow Do?

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Monday, January 22, 2024

Connie Coleman-Lacadie greeted all who arrived at the Friday, January 19th meeting of the Rotary Club of Lakewood.  She also manned the Paul Harris desk. Barlow Buescher shared a smile at the Raffle desk. Teresa gladly collected your money for lunch. Don Daniels was slinging merch and reminding us to sell our raffle tickets. New year’s smiles abounded the room. The buffet line led to a difficult decision about which soup to choose: turkey noodle or cheeseburger. The turkey noodle sent this scribe back for seconds.
President Mary Horn called the meeting to order and asked Barlow Buescher to share a thought with us. It was so good that I grabbed my pen to make notes.  Paraphrasing the end, “We have one life. What are you doing to live it to your potential?” The room was full of silent reflection. Barlow has a gifted way with words, and I appreciate every time he shares that gift with us. Hank Kerns led those of us in the room to the flag salute. Apologies to the Zoomers, the mic was nowhere near the table, but we figured you could all follow along.

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Strong Heart; Sharp Brain

Strong Heart; Sharp Brain
John Magnuson

It seems to be inevitable – the New Year’s Resolution Apathy. On January 1st I looked over a journal I keep. I was surprised to see that a year passed without me “becoming a better person.”  I wondered why and decided the answer was beyond my ken. I decided to hire The Gallop Pole folks – not to be confused with The Gallup Poll folks. The Gallop Pole folks I met with - from Mukilteo - were much cheaper than those high-falutin’ folks from Washington DC you hear about on the TV set. The Gallop Pole folks make telephone poles in Snohomish County. I set forth an objective: survey people and ask them to express their opinion as to why I didn’t become a better person in 2023.

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Love the Wine You're With

By Monday, January 8, 2024

As has been the custom over the years, the Lakewood Rotary Club did NOT meet at the Tacoma Country and Golf Club for the first meeting of the New Year.  Instead, we gathered at The Pavilion in Fort Steilacoom Park – the building we helped build.
So, Happy New Year everyone!!  And GO DAWGS!!!!!

The ancient Babylonians are said to have been the first people to make New Year’s resolutions, some 4,000 years ago.  They were also the first to hold recorded celebrations in honor of the new year—though for them the year began not in January but in mid-March, when the crops were planted.  During a massive 12-day religious festival known as Akitu, the Babylonians crowned a new king or reaffirmed their loyalty to the reigning king.  They also made promises to the gods to pay their debts and return any objects they had borrowed.  These promises could be considered the forerunners of our New Year’s resolutions.  If the Babylonians kept to their word, their (pagan) gods would bestow favor on them for the coming year.  If not, they would fall out of the gods’ favor—a place no one wanted to be.

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Lakewood Rotary's Annual Presidential Roast

By Edited By Horn, Gregory S.Sunday, December 17, 2023

Coffee drinkers:  Why do Dasher and Dancer love coffee? A. Because they're Santa's star bucks!

But wait! That is inappropriate for today’s Presidential Roast: it’s not Whalen, but Mary Horn, the Queen herself, getting tossed around with no respect at all!  And starting things off was Puffin Dick Ferrell, the Master of Ceremonies, desperately trying to find a microphone that worked.  Even with all that, the forgiving retired pharmacist thanked the set-up crew: ‘tis the season.

Puffin Jacob Cuthbertson gave the invocation, while Puffin Scott Baird led the Pledge.   Collecting Paul Harris money was Connie Coleman-Lacadie, not a Puffin; she strong-armed folks for $2,225, with a lot of help from Don Anderson’s checkbook.  Chuck Hellar sold raffle tickets and served as Sgt-at-Arms, with a bunch of helpers as the meeting progressed.  And we had TWO photographers: Walt Richardson, and Phil Eng.  Wouldn’t want to miss a photo op on this special day!

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A Glorious and Raucous Weekend

By Sunday, December 10, 2023

A Glorious and Raucous Weekend
Joe Quinn
When President Mary Horn (PMH) rang the bell at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, December 8th, we had no idea what we were in for!  Eric Warn provided a serious invocation and Dave Reames led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  PMH thanked the setup Dream Team of Rob Erb, Tom George, Wynn Hoffman, Terry Roarke, Rick Selden and James Osundwa (actually, James was out of the country so this is a reminder to PMH to fine him when he returns).
            Dick Ferrell was collecting lots at the Paul Harris desk, Jan Gee served as Sergeant at Arms and Barlow Buescher staffed the raffle table. PMH recognized the Puffins in attendance and warned them ominously that she might not be so nice to them after next week.  OOOOH! Bob Zawilski was taking photos, Joe Quinn is the Scribe and John Lowney, our conscientious Treasurer was minding the Cookie Jar. 

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Is technology “the big, bad wolf”?

By Sunday, December 3, 2023

Above:  This week's banner photo actually includes someone named Banner!
Left to right: President Mary Horn, Teacher of the Month Rachel Parks, CPHS Principal Rene McCord and CPSD Superintendent Ron Banner

I didn’t hear Sister Sledge as the lead-in to yesterday’s meeting.  Of course, I could have been chatting…or, someone on the Dream Team was asleep at the wheel.  Hard to sleep through “We are family,” however.  Mother Mary’s prelude always seems to awaken the throng. But, the dinner bell did arouse me…and my trusty pencil…so to jot down the tidbits of the meeting.

The president called upon Bob Peterson to give the invocation.  As he does so well, Bob gave a meaningful homily. It was followed by Jacob Cuthbertson leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  It was at this juncture that several whispers were heard around my table that Greg Rediske showed up on Zoom, yet he was present in the room.  Someone spouted off, “He wants to get credit for attendance at two meetings.”  Then, I noticed that President Mary was also on Zoom. Huh???  The real Zoomers were then acknowledged: Ralph Johnson, Kendra Riconosciuto, and Rotarian, far away in the cold, northern country, Carole Weir.

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Training by Youth Protection Officer

By Sunday, November 19, 2023

Training by the Youth Protection Officer
Paula T. Olson

            Having pot roast in the middle of the month was a big tip off that this meeting was different. President Mary ran her dinner bell and we all scrambled to our feet. The invocation by Commissioner Clint Johnson was a wonderful collection of thanksgiving readings including the original proclamation establishing this American holiday. The salute to our flag followed. Pres Mary acknowledged the Dream Team putting all the pieces of the meeting together, including set up crew of Wynn Hoffman, Terry Roarke, Rick Selden, James Osundwa and Rob Erb, Steve Enquist at the Foundation table where he collected a whopping $440, Gary Barton serving as Sargeant at Arms and listing of visiting Rotarians, bulletin writer Paula Olson and photographer Rob Zawilski. John Lowney presided over collecting donations to Mary’s cookie jar

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Training by Youth Protection Officer

By Sunday, November 19, 2023

Training by the Youth Protection Officer
Paula T. Olson

            Having pot roast in the middle of the month was a big tip off that this meeting was different. President Mary ran her dinner bell and we all scrambled to our feet. The invocation by Commissioner Clint Johnson was a wonderful collection of thanksgiving readings including the original proclamation establishing this American holiday. The salute to our flag followed. Pres Mary acknowledged the Dream Team putting all the pieces of the meeting together, including set up crew of Wynn Hoffman, Terry Roarke, Rick Selden, James Osundwa and Rob Erb, Steve Enquist at the Foundation table where he collected a whopping $440, Gary Barton serving as Sargeant at Arms and listing of visiting Rotarians, bulletin writer Paula Olson and photographer Rob Zawilski. John Lowney presided over collecting donations to Mary’s cookie jar.

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A Day of Honor

By Sunday, November 12, 2023


ABCs of Medicare and RIP Dave Covey

By Sunday, November 5, 2023

Staff reporters for “Da Bull,” remember being told to always have a theme to our writing. Dave Sclair was our Editor in Chief in addition to being Past District Governor, past president of Clover Park Rotary, husband of past president Mary Lou Sclair and father of past president Ben Sclair. Dave consistently reminded those he met how lucky they were to meet him. Some were gullible enough to believe him.

Well crap! This just in: Our good friend Lakewood Rotarian Dave Covey died Sunday morning. Dave was a past president and assistant governor. He suffered from Parkinson’s Disease for many years. Dave was all personality all the time; he had one speed and that speed was GO! He could be exhausting, and his wife Florence had only one admonition for her loving husband: Oh Dave! Dave grew up in Port Orchard and attended the UW. He was a high school basketball standout. At the UW he changed sports and rowed on the crew. He served in the USAF as a Navigator spending one full tour in Vietnam. Ever Dave, he founded Winter Sports Club while stationed at Bien Hoa arranging ski trips to the snowcapped mountains surrounding the jungles of Vietnam! After his active-duty service Dave remained in the USAF Reserve retiring as a Colonel. He began a rowing program at Seattle Pacific College. He and Florence created Business Interiors NW and provided office furnishings to many companies throughout the region. He was very proud of his grandson Bo and granddaughter Grace. Dave lived his final days with daughter Angie. His son Boen and family live in San Diego. Cards in remembrance can be sent to Angie Moawad at 339 Shadow Pl. SE, Renton, WA 98059. A celebration of Dave’s life will be held in the spring at a day to be arranged later.

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The Right Way to Learn to Write

By Sunday, October 29, 2023

It all started as it should, right at 12:30PM, as President Mary Horn (PMH) rang her bell and brought us all to attention so that Scott Buser could invoke us to ask for peace, safety and protection – especially for the hostages in Gaza and for those affected by the terrible happening in Maine. Phil Eng led us in the Pledge.

Leon Titus was at the Paul Harris desk while Mark Edgecomb was multitasking as the raffle and visiting Rotarians guy AND being the Sgt. at Arms person as well.
The Dream Team - Rob Erb, Wynn Hoffman, James Osundwa and Tom George set the electronics up for the meeting.

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Rocking'[the Mic Like a Vandal. . .

By Sunday, October 22, 2023

Rockin’ the Mic Like a Vandal…
Steve Saalfield
When you’re the bulletin writer, you learn to “take care of business” before the meeting begins. So being a wise peddler of bull, I headed for the bathroom at 12:24pm to heed nature’s call. So imagine my surprise as I was about to open the bathroom door and heard President Mary (with the enthusiastic help of Kat’s son) ringing the dinner bell FIVE MINUTES EARLY. I told nature to “hold, please” and hightailed it back to the meeting. I’ll let our faithful Lakewood Rotarian readers decide if “working under pressure” was a wise decision on my part. And for those who were there, now you know why I kept my legs crossed for most of the meeting.

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How Justice is Served

By Sunday, October 15, 2023

Ring, ring goes the bell, as Chuck Berry said. However, no cook in the lunchroom ready to sell, just President/Queen Mary calling out to her family of Rotarians to shut up and stand up. That done, Bob Peterson (famous for being this writer’s Western Civilization teacher in high school) gave the invocation and Scott Buser led us in the Pledge. Prior to that, we thank Leon Titus for being here so he could take Paul Harris money ($250) while Chuck Hellar strong-armed attendees for money so we could all support Rick Selden. More on that later.

Zoomers were eight in number: John Magnuson, Debbie McVicker, Charles Heberle, Rachel Mazoff, Ralph Johnson, Carole Wier, Mary Strom-Copland, and Barlow Buescher. Guests were Victoria and Greg Wittman, announced by Cat Fredrickson but actually guests of Mary Horn. Dignitaries included PDG Greg Horn, DG-elect Tony Camoroda, and PE Carl “Root Beer” Bronkema. And providing these fabulous pictures to make this bulletin worth reading: Phil Eng.

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The Future of Western State Hospital

By Sunday, October 8, 2023

The Future of Western State Hospital

Joe Quinn

President Mary Horn (PM) called the Rotary Family of Lakewood to order at 12:30 pm or so, with Chris Kimball called upon to do the invocation and Joe Quinn to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.

PM then, for some unknown reason, told us about some of the past cars she has owned.  The most notorious was a VW bug that had dings all over it, so each ding was covered with a sticker.  Most unsightly.  She squeezed it into a very small parking space only to return to find it missing.  Seems some frat boys were so incensed by its ugliness that they lifted it up over the fence and put it on their lawn.  Ah, those college days!

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Tough on Crime in Lakewood

By Sunday, October 1, 2023

President Mary warmed up the crowd with her signature song “We are Family” before dinging the dinner bell to officially start the meeting. Paula Olson led us in an invocation, and the Pledge of Allegiance followed. Making the meeting happen was the set-up crew of Wynn Hoffman, Terry Roarke, Rick Selden, James Osundwa, Tom George and Rob Erb. Veronica Bronkema was at the Paul Harris table, Leon Titus  was at the $2.00 table and also served as our sergeant at arms. Walt Richardson was the photographer extraordinare while Paula Olson took furious notes and John Lowney manned the Cookie Jar.

            Generous Rotarians donated $1,835 to The Rotary Foundation today and $585 last week. Amazing! But where our generosity really shone was the last Friday of the month food donation. We collected more high value food than any time in the past and bunches of money for the Little Free Pantry program. Next opportunity to wow the community is October 27th.

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The History of the Port of Tacoma

By Sunday, September 24, 2023

The History of the Port of Tacoma
 Wendy McGowan

I understand that an abundance of “Pun”ishments from none other than Lakewood Rotary’s “pun”ctilious punster, John Magnuson, went out over the internet recently. Apparently, the “pun”dit emailed ten puns to his favorite Rotary friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh.  No pun in ten did!

However, I noticed that our bombastic punster was present on Zoom today as the melody from Sister Sledge’s “We Are Family” came over the sound system while Prez Mary Horn stepped up to the podium. Sharply at 12:30 p.m. she rang the dinner bell, calling us to some semblance of order.

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News Flash! Lakewood has a New Sister City!

By Sunday, September 17, 2023

You may be interested to know that I saw today was the 15th of September and wondered why I had never heard 9/15 referred to as the “Ides of September.”  That handy internet doohickey revealed that the Roman calendar designated an “Ides” for every month (Ides comes from a Latin word that means “to divide).  Turns out I was two days and a couple of dollars short as the “Ides of September” was on the 13th.  Who knew?  (The answer is probably a lot of people smarter than this guy knew this.)


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Garbage In / Garbage Out

By Sunday, September 10, 2023

Garbage In / Garbage Out
Friday’s program – Recycling.

And I want to find without doubt,
Can we throw the whole City of Seattle – out?

I drove through there the other day,
And the garbage and messes are so sad, I’d say,
Especially when a few years ago it used to be,
One of the most beautiful cities, nestled there,
Alongside Puget Sound - The Salish Sea.

My question of the speaker on Friday,
Should Seattle be bulldozed into the bay?
Or does it show any redeeming grace,
Can it be recycled back as a shining place?

Yours in Scribedom,

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Shocking News

By Monday, September 4, 2023

The Lakewood Key
 The family lunch……. uh, the Lakewood Rotary weekly meeting began promptly at 12:30 with President Mary (PM) ringing the lunch bell.
Yorleny Clapper gave the invocation and our future speaker:  Kris Peterson led us in the pledge.
Housekeeping stuff:
Rob Erb and his band of experts - Wynn Hoffman, Terry Roarke, Rick Selden and Tom George - set us up.
Scott Buser took our foundation dollars while Gary Barton collected the raffle ticket $$ and acted as the SAA (Sergeant At Arms).  (Just so ya know – the Club took in $1,000 for the Rotary Foundation today.  You continue to amaze!)
The Lakewood Key
 The family lunch……. uh, the Lakewood Rotary weekly meeting began promptly at 12:30 with President Mary (PM) ringing the lunch bell.
Yorleny Clapper gave the invocation and our future speaker:  Kris Peterson led us in the pledge.
Housekeeping stuff:
Rob Erb and his band of experts - Wynn Hoffman, Terry Roarke, Rick Selden and Tom George - set us up.
Scott Buser took our foundation dollars while Gary Barton collected the raffle ticket $$ and acted as the SAA (Sergeant At Arms).  (Just so ya know – the Club took in $1,000 for the Rotary Foundation today.  You continue to amaze!)

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Lakewood Rotary Connects with India

By Sunday, August 27, 2023

Lakewood Rotary Connects with India
Gayle Selden
The August 26th meeting of the Rotary Club of Lakewood was brought to order by the clang, clang, clanging of the bells rung by both President Mary Horn and preschooler Jabari Osundwa. Jabari’s father, James, led the invocation and Carl Bronkema led the pledge.
President Mary thanked the workers at the front desk-Connie Coleman-Lacadie, Mark Edgecomb and someone this bulletin writer missed. Set up crew was motely as usual. Thanks Terry, Rob, Rick, James and Tom. Phil Eng took the photos you are pursuing right now and Gayle Selden took notes for this bulletin while fighting flying lettuce from her seat mate Mark Edgecomb.

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By Saturday, August 19, 2023


---Norway is the name of the country in the English language. In Norwegian, the country is called Norge.
---Although there is just one road crossing, Norway borders Russia for 120 miles.
---The first Secretary-General of the United Nations was a Norwegian, Trygve Lie, from 1946 to 1952.
---Modern and ancient skiing were both invented in Norway. Finnmark is home to the oldest preserved ski ever found, at an incredible 2,300-years old. To top it off, many Norwegian words including ski and slalom originated in Norway. And not only that, Norway invented the cheese slicer.
---On February 7, 1912, Greg Rediske’s grandfather arrived on a Titanic sister ship (the Olympic) from Norway, intent on making his fortune before returning to his farm. He got sidetracked.

Why Norway, for the intro for the bulletin this week??  Well, stay tuned….

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We are Family!

By Sunday, August 13, 2023



President Mary Horn, stressing family values, asked young Richard Weiss—the son of Catherine Frederickson—to ring the dinner bell to start our Friday meeting on August 11th

Bob Peterson did a nice invocation and our Program Speaker today, Charlene Miseli, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.  Mary thanked the “tech guys” responsible for setup by name, and at our table we were thinking of alternate monikers instead of “tech guys.”  One wag suggested “IT Nerds”, but I was loudly shouted down for political incorrectness!  We should have a contest to name the setup crew something other than “setup crew” or “tech guys.”  The ladies at the Lakeside Bar playing Mahjong might suggest the loud “Test, Test” guys.


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We are Family!

By Sunday, August 13, 2023



President Mary Horn, stressing family values, asked young Richard Weiss—the son of Catherine Frederickson—to ring the dinner bell to start our Friday meeting on August 11th

Bob Peterson did a nice invocation and our Program Speaker today, Charlene Miseli, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.  Mary thanked the “tech guys” responsible for setup by name, and at our table we were thinking of alternate monikers instead of “tech guys.”  One wag suggested “IT Nerds”, but I was loudly shouted down for political incorrectness!  We should have a contest to name the setup crew something other than “setup crew” or “tech guys.”  The ladies at the Lakeside Bar playing Mahjong might suggest the loud “Test, Test” guys.


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We are Family!

By Sunday, August 13, 2023



President Mary Horn, stressing family values, asked young Richard Weiss—the son of Catherine Frederickson—to ring the dinner bell to start our Friday meeting on August 11th

Bob Peterson did a nice invocation and our Program Speaker today, Charlene Miseli, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.  Mary thanked the “tech guys” responsible for setup by name, and at our table we were thinking of alternate monikers instead of “tech guys.”  One wag suggested “IT Nerds”, but I was loudly shouted down for political incorrectness!  We should have a contest to name the setup crew something other than “setup crew” or “tech guys.”  The ladies at the Lakeside Bar playing Mahjong might suggest the loud “Test, Test” guys.


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We are Family!

By Sunday, August 13, 2023



President Mary Horn, stressing family values, asked young Richard Weiss—the son of Catherine Frederickson—to ring the dinner bell to start our Friday meeting on August 11th

Bob Peterson did a nice invocation and our Program Speaker today, Charlene Miseli, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.  Mary thanked the “tech guys” responsible for setup by name, and at our table we were thinking of alternate monikers instead of “tech guys.”  One wag suggested “IT Nerds”, but I was loudly shouted down for political incorrectness!  We should have a contest to name the setup crew something other than “setup crew” or “tech guys.”  The ladies at the Lakeside Bar playing Mahjong might suggest the loud “Test, Test” guys.


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State of the City

By Sunday, August 6, 2023

The State of the City

The Lakewood Key

            In a surprising turn, President Mary timely opened the meeting with a bell, not the usual “We are Family” song. Boring, President Mary! Anyone can open the meeting with a bell. We want something kicky, something compelling. Barlow Buescher asked us to look around at each other and see in each other all of the principles of Rotary and be proud. As I looked at my fellow members and knew how much they did for the community, I was very proud to be a part of Lakewood Rotary. Ralph Lockhart recited the “Toast to the Flag,” written in 1917. It was enthralling and Ralph’s rendition was so heartfelt.

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Family Picnic

By Saturday, August 5, 2023

Extra, Extra Lakewood Key

Lakewood Rotary Family Picnic

We used to call it the Floating Board Meeting, but President Mary Horn decided we are all one big happy Rotary family, so she renamed it the “Family Picnic”.    And on Thursday, August 3, 2023, the name seemed quite apt.  The faithful Lakewood Rotary members, spouses and guests gathered at Holly Hedge, thanks to our hosts, Ellen and Steve Mazoff, Barb and Dave Reames, and Gael and Jason Whalen.  About 75 of us thronged at their picnic shelter, and enjoyed boat rides provided by Ron Irwin and Greg Rediske of the scenic Lake Steilacoom.

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Sing It!

By Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sing it!!!
Ft. Steilacoom Park is melting in the dark
All the sweet, green icing flowing down
Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don't think that I can take it
'Cause it took so long to bake it
And I'll never have that recipe again
Oh no!

Oh, no! is right.

We met at the Pavilion in Ft. Steilacoom Park on Friday, July 28. So I think to myself, “There must be some good songs about a park to utilize in this-here bulletin! But then I thought, why not use a bad song instead? While Richard Harris went to #2 on the Billboard 100 in 1968 with “MacArthurs Park”, the lyrics (by the usually reliable Jimmy Webb) are…..well…..let’s say odd, to be kind. We did have cake for the meeting, but fortunately there was no rain, so no melting cake to clean up afterward. Whew! I can’t vouch for any lost recipes.

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Family Time with Lakewood Rotary

By Monday, July 24, 2023

Family Time with Lakewood Rotary
Gayle Selden

According to witnesses attending the July 21st meeting of the Rotary Club of Lakewood, there was a feeling of pure excitement as the clock neared 12:30. “We are family” by Sister Sledge started the meeting off. President Mary Horn rang a dinner bell to call the crowd to attention. This dinner bell was originally Mary’s mother’s bell used to call people to dinner and in family bunco games.

Tradition switched after the ringing and the pledge was led by Dwight Williams followed by Tom George with inspiration. Witnesses described the A’men, Shalom and Amen closing as a lovely sentiment.

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National Mac 'N Cheese Day

By Sunday, July 16, 2023

National Mac ‘N Cheese Day
John Magnuson

            If you’re anything like me, and I believe there are seven of us, I listened to and watched Friday’s meeting very carefully and I am terribly disappointed there was no mention of it being National Mac ‘N Cheese Day. Perhaps President Mary’s assistants wanted to shield her from the executive responsibilities the day requires. I am drafting a letter of apology to the day’s organizers explaining President Mary’s lapse. Maybe she can be forgiven because The Bastille Day celebration consumed the agenda. The Kazoo version of La Marsellaise is stirring.

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National Mac 'N Cheese Day

By Sunday, July 16, 2023

National Mac ‘N Cheese Day
John Magnuson

            If you’re anything like me, and I believe there are seven of us, I listened to and watched Friday’s meeting very carefully and I am terribly disappointed there was no mention of it being National Mac ‘N Cheese Day. Perhaps President Mary’s assistants wanted to shield her from the executive responsibilities the day requires. I am drafting a letter of apology to the day’s organizers explaining President Mary’s lapse. Maybe she can be forgiven because The Bastille Day celebration consumed the agenda. The Kazoo version of La Marsellaise is stirring.

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Mary Toots Her Horn

By Sunday, July 9, 2023

 Mary Toots Her Horn
The Lakewood Key
Our current Rotary year kicked off today as no-longer-President-Elect Mary Horn grabbed the gavel….er, dinner bell and, as (Queen?) President Mary (PM), clanged her charges to order at precisely 12:30 p.m..

Mary Horn fun fact #1 - She taught sailboarding / windsurfing up until she was 8 1/2 months pregnant.

Scott Buser was called upon for the invocation and Greg Horn, aka “Dear”, led us in the Pledge.
PM began her year with a computer glitch as she attempted to put the set-up crew’s head shots on the screen, complete with music in the background……. there were some technical difficulties. It was at this point in the very beginning of PM’s year that another Mary, one Mary Marlin, and Tony Camoroda came forward unannounced and presented PM with a step ladder for her to ascend so that she could tower over her subjects whilst presiding over her meetings. Evidently Tony and Mary thought she had come up short…….

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Out With the Old and In With the New


Out With the Old and In With the New

Greg Rediski

There are many reasons to feel sorrow at the last meeting of the Whalen regime, but the betting industry will suffer the most, I fear. The weekly wagers about when Jason might or might not make it to the meeting (although he always seemed to make it in a nick of time!) will go by the wayside. But there’s the other side bets. Would-be writer this week, Steve Saalfeld, helpfully sent along the latest line on this week’s wagers:
6:1 odds on the final conch shell blast lasting more than 20 seconds
4:1 odds that Jason will conduct the final meeting in a coconut bra
And the over/under on the horrible puns Jason will improvise is 17.

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Gettin' Lei'd

By Sunday, June 25, 2023

The Lakewood Key
Gettin’ Lei’d
Our illustrious President and (actual) mayor, Jason Whalen, sounded the conch to commence his second-to-last meeting of the Rotary year. Mark Blanchard gave a grass skirt to Jason, who received at least ten different leis from Rotarians. He was seriously getting lei’d.

Above:  One of Jason’s last blasts

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The End is Near!

By Sunday, June 18, 2023

The End is Near!

Jason’s (almost) Last Stand
It’s almost July 1st, the time of the year when a spanking brand-new Rotary year begins. Out with the old and in with the new. But there is a downside. We at the Lakewood Key, aka the Lakewood Rotary Bulletin, are dismayed at the thought of losing Jason as our comic foil. Oh, the fun we have had recounting the deficiencies of Whalen life! Like the time he interviewed for a job at the prison near Gonzaga as an undergrad. When asked what he’d do to keep control of the inmates, he replied, “Simple. If they don’t behave, out they go!” And of course, there’s the story Jason told concerning when he met Gael. Jason had invited her over to his house but had to make a small repair. So he said to Gael, “Please bring me a screwdriver.” Gael answered, “Which one: Phillips, flathead, or vodka.” That’s when Jason knew she was The One.


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Public Service Above Self

By Sunday, June 11, 2023

Public Service Above Self
Paula T.  Olson

            The length and volume of the Aloha horn is testament to the improvement of President Jason Whalen’s lungs as he called to order his third to  last meeting. Alas, he was not sporting a Hawaiian shirt, using the change in weather below 75 degrees as his excuse. Shiru Osundwa shared a thoughtful invocation and Andrew Neiditz led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Making the meeting happen included Tom George, James Osundwa, Rob Erb, and Wynn Hoffman. Chuck Hellar was the Sergeant at Arms and staffed the $2.00 table, Leon Titus was at the Foundation Desk, Phil Eng tried using a camera with no batteries, but served ably as the photographer. Yours truly, Paula Olson, was pressed into double duty as the recorder of the fines and the bulletin writer. She was promised double pay.

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Human Rights in China

By Sunday, June 4, 2023

Human Rights in China


Today I learned (and you will too, if you read on) even more bull than I learned a month or so ago. I’ll bet our honorable president doesn’t even know that the Hawaiian conch shell is called Pu (pronounced “poo”). Whether he does or not, he played it like a ceremonial fanfare trumpet today as he called our meeting to order. I also learned that the conch shell is capable of emitting a sound that carries as far as two miles. Whoa-Ha! Or is that, Aloha!!!

President Whalen then asked Paula Olson to give our Thought for the Day and Tom George to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. Those who comprise the set-up crew (Rob Erb, James Osundwa, Rick Selden and Tom George) were recognized for making our meeting run smoothly.

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A Memorial Memorial Day

By Sunday, May 28, 2023

A Memorable Memorial Day
By Gayle Selden
The day was March 26th. Anticipation was building for the sound that the collected had endured for the last 11 months. There it was… the sound the room obeyed by standing in unison. It was the conch shell blown by President Mayor Whalen, signifying the beginning of Aloha Friday.
Bob Peterson unfurled a handwritten thought that provided moments of reflection. Tony Camoroda raised his voice to lead the pledge.

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It's a Good Thing

By Saturday, May 20, 2023

“It’s a Good Thing”


Who famously said that on TV every week before going to prison for conspiracy and obstruction of justice related to insider trading? Who famously said, at age 81, “The whole aging thing is so boring.” Who notoriously claims that Snoop Dogg’s secondhand smoke makes them feel “fabulous, … fantastic, ... great.”

Non-Swimsuit Edition featuring modeling icons

                                    Marta and Stuart


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Creeks and Ladders

By Sunday, May 14, 2023

Creeks and Ladders
It all began as usual, you know, the Prez, Jason Whalen (PJW) and his shell (along with the bell) blowing us to order.

Tom George gave the invocation and encouraged the collective at hand to help others toward their success and be thankful for all that we have. Don Daniels, aka Fish Ladder Don, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Those that helped with the meeting were recognized:
Set up crew – James Osundwa, Tom George, Wynn Hoffman and Rick Selden.
Sergeant at Arms – Jan Gee
Money taker – John Lowney
Photographer – Bob Zawilski
Scribe – Donnnnnn Irwin
Foundation desk – Chuck Hellar


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Cinco de Mayo Edition

By Sunday, May 7, 2023

Cinco de Mayo Edition

Lakewood Rotarians gathered on the 5th of May for our usual meeting of the minds. President Whalen was absent as he is off representing the fair city of Lakewood in Korea. Rumor has it Bill Potter has started a pool on how many times the mayor will go shirtless in Korea (the over/under is four for anyone who wants a piece of the action. It’s worth noting that the over/under for the number of times Mayor Whalen’s Korean hosts will be befuddled by his terrible puns is 27 but that is just for the first day).
Did you know? While Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a commemoration of Mexican culture and heritage in the United States, it is a minor holiday in New Mexico.
Former president Mark Edgecomb wielded the hammer for today’s meeting and (spoiler alert) managed to keep his shirt on for the entire meeting. He rang the bell so many times, your scribe was expecting someone to shout “Let’s get ready to rumble!” Alas there was no featured bout today. 

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Rotarians Help High Schoolers Take the Next Step

By Sunday, April 30, 2023

Rotarians Help High Schoolers Take the Next Step
                                      By Wendy McGowan

Spending a bit of time recently with other Lakewood Rotarians meeting about, thinking about, writing about and, today speaking about our club’s Next Step program and its effect on learning, reminded our scribe, Wendy McGowan of something her mother told her long ago. Wendy’s mom, Joyce Rauser, lived by her conviction, “Lifelong learning keeps you young.” And, we surely all need that! So, read on to discover what Wendy and the rest of us learned today.

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Gettin' Lei'd

By Sunday, April 23, 2023

Gettin’ Lei’d
The meeting of the Rotary Club of Lakewood “conched” to order at the hand of President Jason Whalen (“PJW”) and Spring was (and is) in the air. PJW first reflected on a great Rotarian that has passed: Ed Shannon. We miss him already.
Scott Buser gave the invocation. Dave Reames  (I think) led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
PJW thanked various members for making the meeting happen: Tom George, Rob Erb, James Osundwa, Wynn Hoffman and Rick Selden. Staffing the $2 table and acting as Sergeant at Arms was Chuck Hellar. Linda Disney worked the Foundation desk. Walt Richardson snapped pictures and Eric Quinn drafted the bulletin.

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Rotary's Ansel Adams

By Sunday, April 16, 2023

 Lakewood Rotary’s Ansel Adams

(Walt Richardson)


            The crowd was atwitter as President Elect Mary Horn appeared to be hovering around  the podium where we usually see President Jason Whalen. Would it? Could it be Mary’s first meeting as almost President? Yes, it was! And who to blow the conch shell horn better than even Jason could but James Osundwa and Mary was off and running. Pres. Jason was supervising on zoom from Hawaii with some lame excuse about having to be there for some reason or another.


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Famous Lakewood Rotarians?

By Sunday, April 9, 2023

Famous Lakewood Rotarians


Zoom, Zoom, Zoom Went the Meeting…..

Zooming began precisely at 12 noon on Good Friday, April 7, 2023, with the erudite conversation between Carole Wier and Greg Rediske. Carole is coming out west for two weeks, possibly in May, and will be attending two of our meetings in person! There’s a heat wave going on in Wayzata: 44 and sunny. She loves her Zoom Rotary meetings, but is having trouble with her printer. Greg has Covid, 10 days running. Yuck. Phil Eng joined the high-falutin talk with news of their April 23rd departure from Indio. Then came David Swindale who has carpet people in the house. John Magnuson was next up, and all erudite conversation came to a close. Perhaps because he’s Swedish, but we’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that it occurred because his Excellency the Mayor of Lakewood and President of Lakewood Rotary politely told us to shut up: all that excellent conversation was putting too high of a standard out there for the remainder of the meeting.

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Wine, Beer Equals Big Bucks . . . and a WOW Farm 12 Presentation

By Sunday, April 2, 2023

Wine, Beer Equal Big Bucks….and a WOW Farm12 Presentation
Donnn Irwin

For the benefit of those that may have been late to Zoom or the physical meeting, I must report that Past District Governor Greg Horn (PDG Greg) gave everyone a start before the actual meeting was called to order. It was 12:21PM and folks were busy either getting food, eating and or chatting when suddenly the bell rang. Although somewhat startled and much like a Pavlovian response, after years of training, the collective started to rise for the start of the meeting. PDG Greg evidently realized what had happened and, after a brief pause, let everyone know that it was, in fact, not the start of the meeting – he just wanted attention – everyone’s attention, so that he could sell bottles of wine left over from the Wine & Beer event the prior Friday.

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Wine and Beer Fest Success!

By Sunday, March 26, 2023

Success at the First Annual Wine and Beer Festival

The Lakewood Key for March 24, 2023

 ByPaula Olson

            The meeting before the fabulous First Annual Wine and Beer Festival was short and sweet, particularly because the President Pro Tem,  Past President Mark Edgecomb started it three (yes, it’s true and verified by several people) minutes (at least it wasn’t hours) late! His excuse was he conversing with Jim Sharp about important business, which being a first responder makes him a VIP so we suffered through it.

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Lakewood Rotary Celebrates St. Patrick's Day

By Sunday, March 19, 2023

Lakewood Rotary Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day
Gayle Selden

The room was filled with shade of green including festive Green Beers. Only one member had forgotten a little green and that was Assistant Governor Elect & PP Bill Potter. Lucky for him he was seated next to me, Gayle Selden. President Mayor Jason Whalen blew the conch and saved Bill from pinching fingers.

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Paddy's Lament

By Sunday, March 12, 2023

The Lakewood Key
‘Twas the week before St. Patrick’s day when all through the flock, Rotarians were stirring with dreams of shamrock.
The conch was hung by the podium with care, with hopes that Mayor Whalen soon would be there.
The Rotarians were nestled all snug in their places, while visions of green beer gleamed on their faces.
And Dolly in her heels and me in my chair had just settled in for a conch’s shrill blare.
When up near the podium, there arose such a blast, I worried “did that come from Jason’s…”
IMPORTANT NEWS BULLETIN: We interrupt this butchered holiday classic with an important Rotary update! Please stand by for an assuredly incomplete rundown on what happened at today’s meeting.

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Crazy, Just Crazy

By Sunday, March 5, 2023

Crazy. Just crazy.

The Lakewood Key for March 3, 2023

It started out normal enough, until precisely 12:02 p.m., when President Whalen himself actually entered the room. 12:02!! Not 12: 27, not 12:23, but 12:02! I let out a shocked “Holy Cow!”, only to be chastised by Tom George for my “swearing”. (It did take me a couple seconds to remember that Tom was born in India….)

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Better Than Mediocre

By Sunday, February 26, 2023

THE LAKEWOOD KEY for February 24th 2023
Better than Mediocre! By Gayle Selden

The February 24th meeting of the Rotary Club of Lakewood was brought to order by President-Mayor Jason Whalen. Don’t worry he did not forget to bring the conch!
Tom George led us in our thought for the day. He reminded us we are Rotarians because we are better than mediocre! Well, that is not exactly what he said. It was very elegant and beautiful. But I chose to paraphrase because it makes the rest of the meeting and this bulletin make much more sense.

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A Pack of Presidents

By Sunday, February 19, 2023

A Pack of Presidents

Paula T. Olson


            Lakewood Rotary celebrated President’s Day in rare form. The club was awash in Past Presidents. I don’t dare try to name them all as I’m sure I’ll miss one or two, but I counted at least eight. Our current President Jason was away in Texas, watching his daughter blow away the field in a half marathon. All of our other officers were away at PETS or “how to be a Rotary officer” training school. So we were delighted to have our meeting led by one of our favorite PPs – Jim Rooks. And you’d think he’d never left. He started the meeting on time, asked Bob Peterson to lead us in an invocation and Ralph Lockhart to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

            Let’s enjoy some fun facts about our Presidents. James Madison was the shortest and the lightest at 5’4” tall and 100 pounds. Abe Lincoln and Lyndon Johnson were the tallest at 6’4”.


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Love is in the Air

By Monday, February 13, 2023

Love is in the Air
Wendy McGowan

Valentine wishes of love and friendship. You may remember those endearing messages imprinted on sugary, little candy hearts that came in pastel colors when you were a child (or more than likely, when you were a teenager!). “BE MINE,” ‘LUV U,” “SWEETIE PIE,” “COOL DUDE,” “DREAMIE,” “SMOOCH,” XOXOXO,” “CRAZY 4 U”, “TRUE LOVE,” “I’M IN 2 U,” “LOVE BUG,” “HI CUTIE,” or “FIRST KISS.” The language may have changed a bit. Today you will find “TEXT ME” and “LOL”. No matter when, the same sentiments pop up just before February 14 every year. 2023 is no different.

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Arts, Entertainment and an Impossible Mission

By Monday, February 6, 2023

The other day I heard an olde Beatle’s tune - Hello Goodbye. Almost everyone knows this song and the tune that goes with it. Here are a few lines:
(Hello goodbye) I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello
(Hello goodbye hello goodbye) Hello hello
As I was wondering how to start out this missive with a different twist (so as to keep the readers’ interest) it came to me that in the Hawaiian language hello and goodbye are the same word. Our current President, Jason Whalen Esq. (PJW moving forward) is an avid promoter of things Hawaiian and so therefore and to wit I am proposing that Ole tune up his uke and do a rendition of Hello Goodbye in modified Hawaiian for the good of the order.
Ole, here is what the above might look like:
(Aloha aloha) I don’t know why you say aloha, I say aloha
(Aloha aloha aloha aloha aloha) Aloha aloha
Can’t wait to hear that one.


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Youth Wants to Know

By Sunday, January 29, 2023

Youth Wants to Know

The Lakewood Key for

January 27, 2023

I keep our 1948 Ford F-1 pickup hot rod in a secure garage. It stays nice and dry; all shiny under a protective cover and only gets driven on sunny summer days. In the bed of the truck are boxes of records from when we lived on Interlaaken Drive. Included in those boxes of papers are some declassified documents from when I was Lakewood Rotary president more than two decades ago. They may have been sensitive at one time but now they’re just old.

I attached an example that is about as déjà vu as it gets. It is from Valentine’s Day twenty years ago. I didn’t have one from February 2nd – Groundhog Day. The only reason I even mention this entire matter is that I have been subpoenaed to ‘splain why those papers are not housed in the Rotary Club of Lakewood Archives, Library and Tattoo Parlor.

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